Yule Sabbat & Esbat Ritual

Yule Sabbat and Esbat Ritual  1999

Blessing tools for special purposes (BOS, etc)

Full Moon water (lemon and orange slices)
Frankincense and myrrh incense
Red candle
Small cauldron with water
Purple feather


Stairs and porch decorated with candles and oil lamps lined up to front door

Ritual Bath:

In Grandmother’s upstairs bathroom.  Already is set up beautifully (stained glass window, angel decals, flower arrangements) so only added white candle, incense (frankincense and myrrh), water, earth and a willow branch wand for a small altar.  Also added music-Ritual by Gabrielle Roth and the Mirrors

Meditation Corner:

In purple room upstairs.  Set up two seater couch in corner with tv tray for altar.  Altar has lace table cloth, white candle, earth, water, incense (frankincense and myrrh), small wand, and crystal ball in center.  On one side of seater, set small rose hook rug with Shekinah Mountainwater’s Woman’s Runes (made by me in a class with Shekinah Mountainwater at the first Pagan gathering I went to, The Wiccan Fairie Camp, in the redwoods of CA) and the book Araidne’s Thread by Shekinah Mountainwater.  Hecate’s Wheel hung above altar.  Piled boxes behind two seater to block off from rest of room.  Music-Trance by Gabriel Roth and the Mirrors


Held in my brother’s old bedroom (which has wood floor, black walls, white ceiling with a fan with lights).  Decorated with traditional Christmas garlands (silver, red and green, silver and green, stars, pearls).  Black, tall candlabra in southeast with white candles, tinsel, and white, gold, green, and red ribbons.  In the North is the picture “She Who Waits At The Crossroads (Hecate)” by Nybor. On the floor is a bare “tree” with tinsel and rocks from The Garden of the Gods in Colorado, and a Quarter candle.  In the East is the Quarter candle on the floor and a “white dove flying” –a small imitation bird stuck in the wall- wings spread.  In the South is a picture by Michael Woods of a fog and rock filled terrain on a Full Moon with one of the rocks being struck by lightening, and the Quarter candle on the floor.  In the West is a picture of a woman in a beautiful white gown “dancing” under water.  On the floor is the Quarter candle and a black ceramic sea shell filled with ocean beach stones and sea glass.  In the center of the room is a small table with a small purple tissue “table cloth” (which only covers the surface of the table) and a purple mesh over it (this is for the tools to be blessed) with the Quarter candle beneath it.  Two cauldrons with Earth on either side of table.  In the southwest is Cakes and Ale food items.  Pillows and folded blankets placed around the room for people to sit on.  Altar has white cloth on it to represent snow.  All Ritual items to be used are set upon it.  Music- Luna by Gabrielle Roth and the Mirrors

Circle Casting:

(with athame, starting in the North going deosil/clockwise)

Over the Earth that supports us
Through the Air that fills us
With the Fire that motivates us
Next to the Water that sustains us
This Circle is made

Entering Circle:

(with incense, frankincense and myrrh)

Do you wish to enter the Circle?
Then enter and be cleansed

(pass incense in front, behind, then draw pentacle above each)

Calling Quarters:

(starting in the North going deosil/clockwise)

Hail in the North, Earth (East, Air/South, Fire/West, Water/Center, Spirit)
We that share this planet with you ask that you join us in this our Winter Solstice and Esbat Ritual

(light each candle for each Quarter)

Calling Goddess/God:

Mother/Father of All, we who are your children ask you to join us in this our Yule Sabbat and Full Moon Ritual

(light silver/gold candles on altar)

Altar Blessing:

(with wand)

In the many names of the Goddess and God we cleanse this Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit that it may be pure for Ritual

(draw pentacle over salt, incense, red candle, water and feather on the altar)

May what we do be in perfect love, perfect trust and purity of purpose

(light red, pink and white candles on altar)

History and Background:

Yule, 2:44 am, solar festival, shortest day/longest night.  Also called Alban Arthan, Feill Fionnain, Lucina, Time of the Goddess of the Cold Darkness, Winter Solstice, Saturnalia, Kucios and Kaledos.  Time when the waxing sun overcomes the waning sun.  When the Holly King (representing the death aspect of the God) is overcome by the Oak King (who embodies the rebirth of the God). A time of renewal/rebirth.
Full Moon, 12:31 pm, called Cold Moon, Oak Moon, Wolf Moon, Moon of Long Nights, Long Night’s Moon, Big Winter Moon, Moon of Popping Trees.
Month, Ruis-Elder, restores healing and protection of family or community in a real physical and or emotional sense.  Attends the needs we have for community; heals isolation and terror of change by re-establishing the sense of belonging to the Universe.  Protects center in times of flux when nothing seems fixed.

(info from the 1999 Lunar Calendar from Luna Press and my Book Of Shadows)

Special History:

This year’s December 22 winter solstice coincides with a full moon, a combination that happens only every three decades or so.  But that’s not the only celestial oddity for the day: the moon also reaches perigee, it’s closest point to earth.  So the solstice, which brings together the year’s lowest sun and longest night, comes at the same time as the closest moon-and a full moon.  The last time the full moon, lunar perigee, and winter solstice fell on the same day was in 1866.  Even then the moon merely reached is closet approach of the month.  On December 22 the moon will be at its nearest point of the year.  The day of Earth’s maximal tilt (when the axis is directed most fully away from the sun) will also combine with a very close sun, which reaches it’s nearest point to Earth 12 days later.  The confluence of all these forces at the very least will brew up huge proxigean tides, also called “closest of the close moon” tides.  They will extend a few, but crucial, inches farther than normal, ranging from reaching-the-boardwalk highs to lows that uncover rarely exposed marine life.  Add a low-pressure storm at sea to the day, and coastal damage will be unusually likely.  Oceans act like the mercury in a barometer, rising in response to reduced air pressure.  Accompanying onshore winds, lift the waters much farther.  A little meteorological nudge could push strong tides over the edge. Even earthquakes occur more often during strong tides, although it’s a weak effect.  The cosmic culprits responsible for all this drama-the moon and sun-occupy opposite ends of the sky on December 21 and 22.  A full moon will rise just as the sun goes down at its leftmost position of year along the horizon.  This exceptionally plump moon will seem 14 percent wider than it appeared when it was at apogee, it’s farthest point from Earth, on December 8.  Long ago and early on in the experience of using calendars, year’s end always coincided with the winter solstice.  That changed during the switch from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar, beginning in the sixteenth century.  What seems to have been lost was a much more appropriate time, from a celestial point of view, to celebrate the passing of 1,000 years – on December 22, when the sun, moon and Earth perform a genuinely once-in-a-millennium dance.

(info from an email forwarded to me by Denise-can’t remember original author)

Personal Blessing:

(with Full Moon water with slices of lemon and orange)

Going deosil/clockwise, each person will anoint their forehead saying:
May I be blessed with a mond as open as the Full Moon and as bright as the Sun
Anoint their lips saying:
May I be blessed with a tongue as powerful as the Full Moon and as commanding as the Sun
Anoint their heart saying:
May I be blessed with a heart as clear as the Full Moon and as fiery as the Sun

Tools Blessing:

1)    Earth-salt
2)    Air-incense
3)    Fire-red candle
4)    Water-cauldron
5)    Spirit-feather
6)    Goddess/Full Moon, God/Sun-Full Moon water with lemon and orange slices
One element at a time, going deosil/clockwise, each person will bless the tools saying:
1)    I bless these sacred tools with Earth that they be a solid foundation for my magick
2)    I bless these sacred tools with Air that they may be an embodiment of truth
3)    I bless these sacred tools with Fire that they may be a light of passion for my beliefs
4)    I bless these sacred tools with Water that they may be a balancer for my soul
5)    I bless these sacred tools with Spirit that they may be a source of creativity
6)    I ask for the blessings of Mother Moon and Father Sun upon these sacred tools that they may be keepers of the power and the wisdom of my Craft

Healing Meditation:

Close your eyes
Deep breath in through your nose
Out through your mouth

See the starfield of eternity before you
The suns begin to turn
Ever circling
Pulling you through
To the time when traveling required galloping horses upon dirt roads
Feel the dust swirling about you
Pushing you through

To the time when many nations inhabited this continent
And they dance when the buffalo come
Their dancing moves you through

To the time when the world was filled with human absence
And giants caused the hot jungles to tremble when they moved

The heat waves push you through
To the time when time did not exist
And all that did exist
Was nothing

A small light before you blinks into life
It grows and moves toward you
It is blinding white with all colors
And has the heat of a billion as of yet unseen suns

The darkness is on fire

Light races toward you
Pushing you back

As it over takes you
Reach out and take hold of it
Feel it sear into your soul
Hold it as you are dragged forward

Through the darkness
Through the hot jungles
Through the dancing
Through the swirling dust

Back to the present
Where this light of creation lays in the palm of your hand
Pulsing with its heat

Raise it up to your lips
Let the energy know
To whom or to what
It should go


Pull your hand back
And with this whispered kiss
Send the light on its way


Let your hand float down and rest in your lap
Feel yourself breathing
In through the nose
Out through the mouth

(two cauldrons with Earth set out one either side of tools table for grounding, if needed)

Cakes And Ale:

Poem to be read during cakes and ale-

Moon Maze

Lady Moon,
Her cool light warming,
Brightening the angles and curves of my life-
That lovely puzzle of odd-shaped pieces:

Winter night filled with ocean baritone;
Snapdragons lanky in browning stalks
Topped still with the fluted pastels of summer;
Frogs singing in the left-over puddles;
Begonias, fluorescent pink,
Thriving in the crisp air;
Humming birds diving and purring
In the overgrown bottle brush;
Calalilly uncurling white and queenly
Over wet green broadsword leaves;
A cluster of six young buck,
Tawny sleek,
Browsing in a winter meadow,
Locking horns in sibling teasing
Then grazing off under the bull pines
Where mushrooms nudge through the nettles,
Succulent, delicious, dangerous;

And on the front step,
Four pots of strawberries,
Flowering and ripening in season surprise:
Sweet and juicy
Like love refreshened:
A heart-song surprisingly remembered
When the melody seemed lost
With the last Full Moon
In the distant mountains.

-Lourdes Thuesen

(poem from the 1999 Lunar Calendar by Lunar Press)

Thanking Goddess/God:

(before altar)

Mother/Father of All, we who are your children thank you for joining us in this our Yule Sabbat and Full Moon Ritual

(snuff silver/gold candles on altar)

Dismissing Quarters:

(starting in the North, going widdershins/counterclockwise)

Hail in the North/West/South/East/Center, Earth/Water/Fire/Air/Spirit, we that share this planet with you thank you for joining us in this our Winter Solstice Sabbat and Esbat Ritual

(snuff each candle for each Quarter)
Dismantling Circle:

(with athame, starting in the North, going widdershins/counterclockwise)

Over the Earth that supports us
Next to the Water that sustains us
With the Fire that motivates us
Through the Air that fills us
This Circle is open yet unbroken


House Protection Spell

Nov. 1999  House Protection Spell

Waning moon
Tools: athame, incense burner, cedar incense, altar set up-general
Cast circle to encompass house and yard
Call Quarters
Request presence of Lady and Lord
Light incense
Hold athame in dominant/power hand
Hold incense burner in other hand
Stand in center of room
Make three small circles widdershins “pushing” incense smoke out/away from you with athame
“Let all negative things be cut away that inhibit happiness and protection from this room”
Can do windows, closets, sheds, etc, any opening/attachment to/in room or include them
Repeat in every room
Can shorten by going to approximate center of house:
“Let all negative things be cut away that inhibit happiness and protection from this house and yard”
Go back to altar and end

Beltane & Full Moon Ritual

Beltane by me and Full Moon by Robin 1999

Sun Candle
Parchment and pens
Red and pink ribbons
Red and pink wax bits

Robin did Circle Casting/Dismantling

Quarter Calls:

left hand flat parallel with ground-
Hail and well met in the North, Earth
Let the ancient Land that withstands the passage of time
With “Zee-MEE-nah” and “Zee-MAY-tis”
The Lithuanian Goddess of Earth and her Consort
Join us in our gathering and grant us your gifts of
and Prosperity.
(Zemyna, Zemepatis)

left hand upraised with fingers spread
Hail and well met in the East, Air
Let the wind that blows through eternity
With “Vay-YOU MOH-ti-nah” and “DEAH-vahs”
The Lithuanian Mother of the 4 Winds and God of the Shining Sky
Join us in our gathering and grant us your gifts of
and Freedom.
(Veju Motina, Dievas)

left hand upraised in a fist
Hail and well met in the South, Fire
Let the burning at the heart of the planet
With “GA-bee-jah” and “Gahb-JOW-jas”
The Lithuanian Goddess and God of Fire
Join us in our gathering and grant us your gifts of
and Success.
(Gabija, Gabjanjas)

left hand cupped
Hail and well met in the West, Water
Let the seas that flow through the eons
With “you-Ra-tay” and “ow-TRIM-pas”
The Lithuanian Goddess and God of the Sea
Join us in our gathering and grant us your gifts of
and Peace.
(Jurate, Autrimpas)

left hand over upper sternum
Hail and well met that which is Divine and within ourselves but often overlooked, Spirit
Let that part of us that always was and always will be
Be conscience and focused during our gathering
And may we have the honesty to see and the selfish courage to grant ourselves exactly what we need.


Light sun candle

Beltane is a celebration of fertility, vitality, passions-of all sorts.  Maiden Goddess and Young God coming of age, preparing to consummate their passions and create life, an act the earth is preparing to echo.

It isn’t only a celebration of new life but the renewal of existing life.  Example-incorporating heritage into present day life Rituals.

The Origin Of Witches, A Lithuanian Tale

Once upon a time, a young woman went off into the woods to pick mushrooms and with her she took her new hope chest.  While she was searching for mushrooms it began to rain very hard.  She quickly removed her clothes and placed them in her hope chest; then stood naked under a tree, until the rain subsided.

Later, she dressed and continued picking mushrooms, until she was spotted by Velnias (VEHL-niahs), (Lithuanian Horned God of the Underworld).  Velinas asked if she had been picking mushrooms during the rain storm, and if so, how she had remained dry.

The young woman replied she had a secret that prevented rain from touching her.

Velnias was intrigued and pressed the woman for her secret.  The young woman agreed to tell Him, but only if He revealed all His magickal arts.  So a bargain was struck and Velnias taught the woman all that He knew of magick and healing.

It was then that the woman told Velnias how she had avoided the rain.  Velnias spit and flew away, raging and screaming that he had been tricked.

Thus, the woman became the first Witch and passed on her teachings to others from that time on.

And so, Witches flourished.

Author Unknown


Everyone share a short story from their family heritage. Doesn’t have to be “story from cave on property owned by family since they fell off the Mayflower,” can be from last week or share Beltane story, can be from any time in life. Example-graduating college (completion of goal/start of new life) or the moment when you found the person you were going to spend the rest of your life with.

(use Native American Talking Stick)


Fertility isn’t only the creation of a new life but the creation of ideas, hopes, dreams that give renewed life to the living.
Set a goal to change/achieve/improve upon something in your life/self or to renew an old goal/dream/idea that you’ve let life get in the way of/wear down your passion for.

(parchment and pens)
As parchment is lit, let fire become your passion for your goal, let the goal be burned into you like a tattoo on the soul.  Smudge yourself with the smoke of your passion for your goal.

When parchment is in the cauldron, “So Mote It Be” seals the contract you’ve made with yourself to create this goal into a successful accomplishment.

(red/pink ribbons, red/pink wax bits)
Tie ribbon to where you will see it everyday as a reminder to take the time to work and play at your goal.  Allow yourself to be selfish.  Falling behind?  Take a piece of pink wax and melt it on a meditation candle, let the running was represent your running with energy-the speed of fire- toward your goal/future.  Still lethargic?  Melt red piece of wax. Let it be a psychic “kick in the ass,” “no excuses,” “stop whining you big baby.”

Grounding Meditation

Stand straight and firm
Close your eyes
Deep breath through nose
Out through mouth
In through nose
Out through mouth

Feel your feet begin to stretch down and take root
Your toes
Your arches
Your soles
Going down through the floor
Through the foundation of the house
To touch the earth

Connect with your Mother
Down through the soil
Through the nutrients that feed the earth
Through the seeds and roots of the plants that feed you

Through the ground
That which embraces the bones of your ancestors
Feel deep within yourself the shared genetic structure
As you pass through those who came before you

Through the waters
Which change form
And pass through the sky
The earth
And all living things

A cycle unbroken throughout time

Through the rock
The foundation of the earth
The skeleton of your Mother

Into the fire
The fuel
The energy of the earth
Be engulfed and purified by the flames

You are in the heart of your Mother

Embrace the flames
Bring them back with you
Up through the rock skeleton of your Mother
Through the timeless cyclicing waters
Through the bones of your ancestors embraced in the ground
Through the life giving soil
Through the foundation of the house
Through the floor
Into your soles
Through to the tips of your hair

Feel the Maternal fire wrap around and in you
Like your favorite childhood blanket
at Peace

Deep breath through the nose
Out through the mouth
In through the nose
Out through the mouth

Slowly open your eyes

Dismissing Quarters:

left hand over upper sternum
Hail that which is Divine and always within ourselves,
We give thanks to ourselves for taking the time to reconnect that which is perfection in us
Our true selves
And for the wisdom gained from this act

For the rest of the Quarters-

Hail and farewell in the _____, _____
“______” and “______”
our thanks for joining us
and for the gifts you leave behind