Passing Through A Painted Vail

Passing Through A Painted Vail

I'm passing through your painted vail,
refusing to let summer set this time
without love.

You know what I am thinking
but your feigned submission weighs heavy
making you so hard to find
as I try to stay caught in your eye.

When I wish of us,
each within our gaze,
drinking of us
till the end of days.

You are no trinket buried in the sand
and when I hear your laughter flowing down the hallway
the air begins to glisten.

I am at ease
and this is how I want to spend my days.
My soul feels no longer caged.
There is no prowler's nocturne echoing from deep down.

You've had to many last nights in your life,
too many desperate hours as the earth shook with your tears
from one more whispered good-bye.

Yes I love you.
Let me gently wrap you in trust,
not with sorcery or some simple twisting of fate
but with caresses of honesty.
Don't keep yourself hundreds of feet away.

Together we can be amazing.

August 26, 2003
Tressa Lee Breen

Painted Vail

Painted Vail

I was amazed
that you expected even a brush-stroked yielding
I knew what you were thinking
but I'm much harder to find

You wished me beneath your gaze
and wanted to drink of me
but I have better ways
to spend my days
and refused to submit
to being a trinket

The sound of your laughter
is like glistening sand
from deep down within a cage
as I spend desperate hours singing a soulful prowler's nocturne
waiting for the last night in our so called lives together

You'll never hear me cry
but you'll feel the earth shake
when I whisper good-bye

Yes you say you love me to my face
but there are no gentle caresses
so by a little sorcery I simply twist our fate
and I am always hundreds of feet away

August 26, 2003
Tressa Lee Breen

Balance Of Power New Moon Ritual

Balance Of Power Ritual  New Moon  August 2003

Lavender oil (for myself)
My shell necklace
Meditation oil (for Heather, Robin, Sandy, Marie)
Shell necklaces (for Heather, Robin, Sandy, Marie)
Melba toast and mozzarella cheese
Cucumber sandwiches
Gatorade fruit punch
Cedar incense
Temple incense
Music: “Tribe” by Gabrielle Roth and The Mirrors

Purification of Space

(water, around circle 3x, widdershins)

Cleanse and purify
Cleansing and purifying
Cleansed and purified

Smudge those entering with cedar incense

Casting Circle

(wand, deosil)

Over the Earth that supports me
Through the Air that fills me
With the Fire that motivates me
Next to the Water that sustains me
This Circle is made

The Universe is my Circle
The Circle my Universe

Quarter Calls

(hand held flat, parallel with ground)
Salutations Spirits of Earth in the North
Movers of mountains through eons
You are invited to attend

(hand upraised, fingers spread)

Salutations Spirits of Air in the East
Winds that whip through time
You are invited to attend

(hand upraised in fist)

Salutations Spirits of Fire in the South
Flames that light the way through centuries
You are invited to attend

(hand cupped)

Salutations Spirits of Water in the West
Flowing through millennia
You are invited to attend

(hand over sternum)

Salutations Spirit in the Center of All
That moves through time yet is outside time
You are invited to attend

Calling Goddess and God

(arms upraised)

Hail to thee Maiden, Mother, Crone
Awake  Awake  Awake
I light this flame
I seek your spark
Arise  Arise  Arise
(light silver candle)

(arms crossed over chest)

Hail to thee Youth, Father, Sage
Awake  Awake  Awake
I light this flame
I seek your spark
Arise  Arise  Arise

(light gold candle)

Altar Blessing

Upon these items I ask for
The blessings of Earth
That they be a solid foundation for my magick
The blessings of Air
That they be an embodiment of truth
The blessings of Fire
That they be a light of passion for my beliefs
The blessings of Water
That they be a balancer for my soul
The blessings of Spirit
That they be a source of creativity
The blessings of Lady and Lord
That they be keepers of the power and the wisdom of the Craft

May what I do be in perfect love         (light red candle)
Perfect trust                                        (light pink candle)
And purity of purpose                       (light white candle)
With harm to none

In honor of the moon
In her phase                            (light moon phase candle)

(light temple incense)


(necklaces and oils on a tray in the center of the ritual area)

Upon the voyage of our lives
Moments flow in and moments flow out
Incalculable tides that follow no physical moon pull

Some are warm nourishing waves that refresh us
And we surf those with passionate abandon
Becoming stronger with every ridden crest
And we find truth

Others are tidal
Storming through our lives
Tsunamis that cover us
Undertows that wrench us away from the sun
And drag us down to murky depths
Where we forget how even to float
And in that darkness
We find truth

Whether or not we become strong
Is our choice

It is easy to gather strength at the top of a wave in the sun

Too often
After we’ve seen the wisdom etched in the sand of
The ocean depths that our lives have taken us to
We do not leave when the storm has passed
We forget we can swim
We forget we can, like our lungs, decompress our hearts
And lift them to the surface
To the sun

We loose our balance
Between the Light and the Dark of power
In those moments of forgetfulness
When we feel sunken to the bottom
And trapped in the pressure
We need to remind ourselves

Of the cycle of birth, life and death

That no new beginning can come without the end of some other beginning

Most importantly we need to remind ourselves
of our Worth

Our Worth is our Power
Both Light and Dark
Both the pain and the happiness of the strength of learning
Both the crest and the depth of the wave

It is not enough to believe in our Worth
We must know we are of Worth
Or we can never come up from the depths
We can never surf the sparkling waves

In those moments of blindness
Let us remind ourselves
Let us remember
With meditation and talisman
Our Worth

(hand out necklaces and oil, going deosil/clockwise, each person will anoint their forehead, lips, heart, hands, feet with their oil, saying)

Blessed be my mind
My thoughts are pure
Blessed be my lips
My words are true
Blessed be my heart
My love is clear
Blessed be my hands
My work is strong
Blessed be my feet
My walk is balanced

(after everyone is done)

Do not seek power
Be power
Forsaking thy inhibitions
Pursuing thy dreams
And working while walking the talk

Healing Meditation

Stand straight and firm
Close your eyes
Deep breath through nose
Out through mouth
In through nose
Out through mouth

Feel your feet begin to stretch down and take root
Your toes
Your arches
Your soles
Going down through the floor
Through the foundation of the house
To touch the earth

Connect with your Mother
Down through the soil
Through the nutrients that feed the earth
Through the seeds and roots of the plants that feed you

Through the ground
That which embraces the bones of your ancestors
Feel deep within yourself the shared genetic structure
As you pass through those who came before you

Through the waters
Which change form
And pass through the sky
The earth
And all living things

A cycle unbroken throughout time

Through the rock
The foundation of the earth
The skeleton of your Mother
Into the fire
The fuel
The energy of the earth
Be engulfed and purified by the flames

You are in the heart of your Mother

Embrace the flames
Bring them back with you
Up through the rock skeleton of your Mother
Through the timeless cyclic waters
Through the bones of your ancestors embraced in the ground
Through the life giving soil
Through the foundation of the house
Through the floor
Into your soles
Through to the tips of your hair
Feel the Maternal fire wrap around and in you
Like your favorite childhood blanket
At Peace

Raise a spark of that fire up to your lips
Let that healing flame silently know
To whom or to what
It should go

And with this whispered kiss
Send the light on its way

Deep breath through the nose
Out through the mouth
In through the nose
Out through the mouth

Slowly open your eyes

Cakes And Ale

Altar Ending

With honor                           (snuff moon phase candle)

With harm to none
And purity of purpose                     (snuff white candle)
Perfect trust                                       (snuff pink candle)
And perfect love                                  (snuff red candle)

Thanking Goddess and God

(arms upraised)

Maiden, Mother, Crone
My thanks to thee
For the light and life You bring
Blessed Be  Blessed Be  Blessed Be

(snuff silver candle)

(arms crossed over chest)

Youth, Father, Sage
My thanks to thee
For the light and life You Bring
Blessed Be  Blessed Be  Blessed Be

(snuff gold candle)

Quarter Dismissal

(hand over sternum)

Fare thee well Spirit in the Center of All
Take my thanks for your attendance into that time out of time

(hand cupped)

Fare thee well Spirits of Water in the West
Take my thanks for you attendance where you flow

(hand upraised in fist)

Fare thee well Spirits of Fire in the South
Take my thanks for your attendance into the flames

(hand upraised, fingers spread)

Fare thee well Spirits of Air in the East
Take my thanks for your attendance when you whip the winds
(hand held flat, parallel with ground)

Fare thee well Spirits of Earth in the North
Take my thanks for your attendance when you move the mountains

Circle Dismantling

(athame, widdershins)

Over the Earth that supports me
Next to the Water that sustains me
With the Fire that motivates me
Through the Air that fills me
This Circle is open yet unbroken

The Circle is my Universe
The Universe my Circle