The Opera Is Not Haunted Because There Is No Ghost

I never heard him
singing in my sleep

He never
entered my dreams

Not a father
not an angel
not a ghoul

Just a man
with nothing to celebrate
outside of his imagination

Damaged soul
from the beatings
over and over
by humanity's inhumanity
leading to a distorted face

No mask to hide his injuries
so deep
they leave no outward scars
but seen as clearly as a full moon at midnight

He is the abyss that stares back
the void that screams
and the darkness
that desperately wants a friend

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 90 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Image from “The Phantom Of The Opera” (1925) starring Lon Chaney Sr, used without permission, no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

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