Starving Heart

 Broken ego
a rapier facing inward
scrapes her eyes
and she walks away
from she felt she couldn't do
completely blind to all she could

Vision impaired
she never looked back
pain hidden away
behind scars

A quarter of a hundred years later
and the lesions are being washed away
by a voice she could not ignore
cleaning sight
making clear the painful foolishness
she blinded herself with
and slowly
what she had been doing
what she had been capable of
becoming visible

Allowing her to finally tend
finally clean
begin to heal
the real wound
that had festered
and poisoned her
for far too long

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 2 of 31 CampNaNoWriMoJuly2024

"Broken" by Ramin Karimloo

"Til I Hear You Sing" from "Love Never Dies" ~ Ramin Karimloo

Images of Ramin Karimloo of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.


  1. Brings the reader on quite a journey -
    Vision impaired
    she never looked back
