The End Of The Line

 This train runs every year
I've boarded at the beginning
jumped on and off from anywhere on the tracks
and caught the caboose
just as the engine came into the station

And some years
I have missed the ride completely

No matter what the speed it takes to arrive on time
there is nothing
like the sound of the horn blown
to announce the end of the line


Full Stop.

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 73 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 30 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 30 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024


 I am sick to my stomach
how can I be both
bloated and undernourished
like half a notebook
deliciously satisfied
and desperate to devour

I need ink to drink
and words for meat
but my ingredients are limited
and I've never been much of a cook

But that won't stop me
from holding a notebook
over an open flame
and stirring with my pen
in the hope that something edible
will end up on the page
calming my stomach
and healing my hunger

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 72 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 29 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 29 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024

Close The Book

 My head pounds with words
bashing against the inside of my skull
trying to find their way out
to meaning
to eternal life
and eternal rest
on the page

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 71 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 28 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 28 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024