White Light (What Kind Of Light Are You)

They are intense
Full of everything
They act as a prism for ideas
as they see things a little distorted
they can show similiarities
where there was thought none
Not alway practical
but a survivor none the less
flourishing on little
with no shadows

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 21 of 31 CampNaNoWriMoJuly2024
Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Fluorescence Light (What Kind Of Light Are You)

They stay hidden
until found by a special light
Then they come alive
Somehow beyond natural
yet still carrying the darkness on them

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 20 of 31 CampNaNoWriMoJuly2024
Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Infrared Light (What Kind Of Light Are You)

Always under pressure
Always on the move
with the energy
and the heat
to bring you along
They can bring everyone together
Change the climate of a room
They will forever see you better
in the dark

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 19 of 31 CampNaNoWriMoJuly2024
Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Ultraviolet Light (What Kind Of Light Are You)

Greater energy than most
Helps others glow
You feel refreshed
after being with them
Too long in contact
and they will burn you
No good in commitment
the perfect short term companion

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 18 of 31 CampNaNoWriMoJuly2024
Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Neon Light (What Kind Of Light Are You)

 They'll give you all the signs
the colors of their character
the shapes of their happiness
the forms of their tears
Their artistry is often
blindingly bright
and once settled
becomes inert

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 17 of 31 CampNaNoWriMoJuly2024
Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Moonlight (What Kind Of Light Are You)

They're like
sunlight turned around
upside down
and inside out

So much more than a reflection

Romantic and animalistic

They bring out
the primal
the passionate
the perverse

Their emotions run deep into shadows

Depending what phase they are in
they can eclipse others

With them
even when you can't see
they will always be with you
in the night

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 16 of 31 CampNaNoWriMoJuly2024
Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Sunlight (What Kind Of Light Are You)

They're beautiful
but may burn you

Energy seemingly inexhaustible

Power enough
to nourish
or starve

Leaves you wanting in the night

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 15 of 31 CampNaNoWriMoJuly2024
Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Starlight (What Kind Of Light Are You)

stay mostly hidden in the day

At night
they are alway distant
enough to light your way
yet to far to feel the warmth

No matter how much you love them
they will remain out of reach

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 14 of 31 CampNaNoWriMoJuly2024
Nyctophiliac - someone happy and comfortable in the dark
Image of unknown origin, used without consent, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Northern Lights (What Kind Of Light Are You)

 They're like bits of sun
drawn closer
disturbing the air

They are erratic

Sometimes they are
closed curtains
covering everything and nothing
shooting rays with no targets
or they land everywhere
dynamic flickers
and you never know
what color they will be
in each moment

They're such a cold bit of sun
pulled so close
and still so distant
and so shockingly

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 13 of 31 CampNaNoWriMoJuly2024
Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Lightning (What Kind Of Light Are You)

They're airborne
or at most
half grounded
Always volatile
Never really know
when or where
a strike will come
and will it be
a bolt of passion
or a slap of anger
Only know
they always bring static
they will always bring fire

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 12 of 31 CampNaNoWriMoJuly2024
Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Street Light (What Kind Of Light Are You)


They're made for traveling
yet are never in motion

Their power
is deep underground

They'll make you feel safe

When you are lost
they help illuminate the way

Sometimes they waiver
in support of your journey

But they will always show up

They are alway close

So you are never alone
in the dark

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 11 of 31 CampNaNoWriMoJuly2024
Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Candlelight (What Kind Of Light Are You)

Created to dance
Inspiring at times
Romantic always

Yet slightly unsteady

Near sighted in their vision
Shadow filled

You end on your knees
in a night vigil

they will be gone
too soon

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 10 of 31 CampNaNoWriMoJuly2024
Image from "The Phantom Of The Opera Live At The Royal Albert Hall (2011)", used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

I Say No To This

 I don't say no to this
I don't say no to this
and the body of my actions
is all mine

I see red
I see red
There was no gun to my head

I never dreamed this dream
not once
in days gone by
there was no high
and only worthlessness

The body of my actions is all mine
but that doesn't mean I should spread
for you

I don't say no to this
because I don't want you in my mouth

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 9 of 31 CampNaNoWriMoJuly2024

Necrohistriophilia II (But Really I)

 Spoke louder in silence
than most did with words

Told stories without music
without even a single bell

Faces in the dark
expressed all emotions
yet he
was never seen

He pulled a thousand men
out of his artist's box
and wore them for us
swearing it wasn't magic

The first Master Of Disguise
in his short journey
created a long path
for others to follow
and then continue onward
into the deafening sound

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 8 of 31 CampNaNoWriMo2024
My neologism:
from - 
Necro: those that are dead
Histrio: actor
Philia: abnormal liking for
meaning -
obsessed with a deceased actor
Images (click on the image for movie info) from
"The Hunchback Of Notre Dame"
"The Phantom Of The Opera"
"London After Midnight"
"The Unholy Three"
“The Miracle Man”
used without consent, with no credit taken, with no profit made, and no offense intended.

Rude Awakening

 It goes silent
until you forget to move to the other side
and even then
not every time
Doesn't appear to be a pattern
just hot
just cold
One day it just wakes
one night
usually night
Like a punch to the lower jaw
thrown by a drunk angry little man
Instantly awake
stuff down pills
swish a little salt
build up support
try to sleep in an uncomfortable position
a fan in the face
attempting to blow away the pain

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 7 of 31 CampNaNoWriMoJuly2024

A Meal For A Lifetime

 I can still taste you
your sweetness on my tongue
your zest on my skin
like a middle eastern spice 
never heard of
added to a familiar dish
turning it into something
a red desert that
quenches thirst
even as it creates the desire for it
my hunger
just fed
begins to rise again
a perpetual state
of starvation
and satiation
Les us
one another

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 6 of 31 CampNaNoWriMo2024

Red Flag Means Go

Deeply ingrained
do not act on physical impulses
stay away from those who would
She had a start with a bad boy
but didn't get going
until the bad man
in the tortured good guy disguise
Impulse became ignition
running down
running over
not just childhood indoctrination
but adulthood inhibition
He ran roughshod over her skin
and she did not apply the brakes

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 5 of 31 CampNaNoWriMoJuly2024
Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Flag Color Blind

One of the most unattractive of men

Nosferatu would be a step to the side

With a grating personality

The living embodiment of the expressions
"Ugly as sin"
"Annoying AF"

After a decade of bare tolerance
looked good

Looked like desire

Looked like love

She should've looked around

She should've stopped and thought

She should've been suspicious
of who
she wanted

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 4 of 31 CampNaNoWriMoJuly2024
Image of unknown origin, used without consent, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

She's Always Hungry

 The one with the glow
that's what they call her

She has a terrific appetite for life
that's what they say of her

No one notices her enter
but they feel her move about the room
like it's a buffet of energy
and she must sample every dish

She'll chew on every thought expressed
devour the stories
consume the laughter
of course
wash it all down with the tears

And when she's gone
everyone feels both
malnourished from her presence
and ravenous for it

So they send her
the most gluttonous of guests
invitations to dine at their tables
even though they know
she will leave them starving

Even life will serve itself up to her

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 3 of 31 CampNaNoWriMoJuly2024

Starving Heart

 Broken ego
a rapier facing inward
scrapes her eyes
and she walks away
from she felt she couldn't do
completely blind to all she could

Vision impaired
she never looked back
pain hidden away
behind scars

A quarter of a hundred years later
and the lesions are being washed away
by a voice she could not ignore
cleaning sight
making clear the painful foolishness
she blinded herself with
and slowly
what she had been doing
what she had been capable of
becoming visible

Allowing her to finally tend
finally clean
begin to heal
the real wound
that had festered
and poisoned her
for far too long

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 2 of 31 CampNaNoWriMoJuly2024

"Broken" by Ramin Karimloo

"Til I Hear You Sing" from "Love Never Dies" ~ Ramin Karimloo

Images of Ramin Karimloo of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Cremains Of The Heart

 She thought it would feel forever
so much so
that she didn't think about it at all
and that's what stopped it

Color fades
with every chance untaken

Motion slows
with every change not grown

Touch long since forgotten
and now slightly feared

Sedated in a homeless house
her body becomes used to immobility
false tranquility
until any fire within
burns away
and there is only ashes
attempting to pump blood
to stay alive
though the ability to live
is no longer even a memory

Tressa Lee Breen