

There’s a headless person sitting on my couch
No it’s not as bad as that
no blood
no gore
no skin
just no head that’s all

No features to tell sex
(or even if they’ve had any)
A plaid shirt, denim pants
with old scuffed up workboots
waiting patiently for its top to come rolling back
(or perhaps being pulled back by its tongue)

It’s been there for sometime
not a sound
not a smell
not a move

I don’t look at it directly
I don’t sit in the same room
but it’s around me always
in or out of house

It’s become my inner shadow
and my skin has taken on a bluish tinge
my feet feel like dark old leather

I have to hold my head very still now
for my neck bones crack at the slightest nod
or smallest attempt at food

I fear it will soon have no reason
to stay sitting on my couch

Tressa Lee Breen
January 6, 2014 

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