

I always padded around close to the ground
lower than everyone else

but I got the goodies they dropped and forgot

Pets on the head
scratches on the back
rubs on the chest
their strange appendages made me feel good

So tall
and only on two
I thought they'd fall more

Once I wasn't feeling well 
and tried to get one of them
to let me out of their big box
but she was too busy

I puked on her feet

Another time the young female left a goody
a dark creamy circle
sitting on a low table

Mine now

She didn't like that

They have me chase bouncy things
not sure why
but it's fun

Don't like when the young male 
sets the bouncy thing on fire
I rush to put it out
He makes a weird noise
that sounds the way my tail feels
when I'm happy

I don't think about the first group
that original pack of hairless apes

I like this strange herd

I'll be their leader
they can use the focus
I don't mind the rubs

April 20, 2014
Tressa Lee Breen

Inspired by NaPoWriMo Day Twenty prompt: write a poem in the voice of a member of your family. 

Check out NaPoWriMoer in imperfection's twentieth entry "Riparian Gift".