Hail and farewell Mary

Hail Mary 
trapped in poverty, ignorance, and submissive traditions 
Full Of Grace 
and all that might have been 
The Lord Is With Thee 
whether you want him or not 
Blessed Art Thou Among Women 
it’s not rape if you’re anointed first 
And Blessed Is The Fruit Of Thy Womb 
because your worth 
is all about your uterus 
and what it does or does not do 
fucking christ 
Holy Mary 
because “molested Mary” 
is too long an etching for a stained glass window 
Mother Of God 
because “child victim of a sex crime” 
is almost a given in christ’s church 
Pray For Us Sinners 
all the Marys – get off your knees 
right now 
And At The Hour Of Our Death 
and all the hours before 
we stand and we say 

April 5, 2019

#NaPoWriMo2019 #GloPoWriMo2019 Day 5 Prompt
#ShutUpWrite2019 Challenge

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