Death And Desire (12 of 16)


Surrounded by death
as close as I can be to what's left of him
I pray and plead to a memory
a name carved in stone

He promised
he promised heaven sent
yet only
a beautiful Hades arrived

After emptying my fears upon the cold rock
I hear a warm voice
until it is all around

Has the promise finally been kept

Am I safe
held in white wings of song
or are those black feathers I see
embracing me

And why don't I want to run

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 56 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 13 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 13 of 30 CampNaNoWriMo2024
Sierra Boggess as Christine
Image used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended

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