Priceless Black Pearl (16 of 16)


Her first kiss
made this broken child a man

Her second kiss
broke the man's heart

I couldn't threaten

I couldn't even adore

I could only love her
for all that she is
all that she isn't
with all that I am

And I knew the price

I let her go
but kept her kiss
a pearl tucked away in my black heart
hidden as I must now hide
so the world will never find me

Alone with only the memory
of a moment
in her love

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 60 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 16 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 16 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024
Ramin Karimloo as the Phantom, Sierra Bogess as Christine
Image used without permission, with no credit taken, with no profit made, and no offense intended

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