Risk Choice (3 of 16)


I've gone as far as I can
alone in the shadows

For her hand
I must risk the cruel light

For love
she must follow me into the velvet darkness

A dream
desired and dreaded
is awakening

Will the music
fill the black holes
of this man
and be enough for her
to care not as a child 
but as a woman

She has given me her voice

The rest I will take
one soft
note at a time

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 47 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 4 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 4 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024
Image from "The Phantom Of The Opera" (1925)
Lon Chaney as the Phantom, Mary Philbin as Christine
Image used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

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