Broken Dance

 She let time break her
the pieces lost along the way
now dust behind her

No time left to explore different roads
she must teach herself to love the path she's on

Does she dance
or drop to the side

She begins to reassemble
a little self-kintsukuroi

Some gold from who she was
just the shiny bits

Silver from the present
to bandage a hateful heart

Hope for the future in the form of copper
a reminder that polishing is forever

With her jagged edges bonded with metal
she chooses to dance

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 42 Of 100 #The100DayProject2024

Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.


  1. Self Kintsukuroi - brilliant. The metaphors of metals works perfectly in this.

  2. Powerful - love the metaphors of metals. Self Kintsukuroi - perfect

  3. Very powerful - wonderful use of different metals - love a little self-kintsukuroi
