House Protection Spell

Nov. 1999  House Protection Spell

Waning moon
Tools: athame, incense burner, cedar incense, altar set up-general
Cast circle to encompass house and yard
Call Quarters
Request presence of Lady and Lord
Light incense
Hold athame in dominant/power hand
Hold incense burner in other hand
Stand in center of room
Make three small circles widdershins “pushing” incense smoke out/away from you with athame
“Let all negative things be cut away that inhibit happiness and protection from this room”
Can do windows, closets, sheds, etc, any opening/attachment to/in room or include them
Repeat in every room
Can shorten by going to approximate center of house:
“Let all negative things be cut away that inhibit happiness and protection from this house and yard”
Go back to altar and end