Come Home Now

 Your tongue leaves an otherworldly tingle
long after you are gone

Words and kisses
tone and textures
echo on my skin

I want you back
before your last touch
fades away

Tressa Lee Breen

Broken Dance

 She let time break her
the pieces lost along the way
now dust behind her

No time left to explore different roads
she must teach herself to love the path she's on

Does she dance
or drop to the side

She begins to reassemble
a little self-kintsukuroi

Some gold from who she was
just the shiny bits

Silver from the present
to bandage a hateful heart

Hope for the future in the form of copper
a reminder that polishing is forever

With her jagged edges bonded with metal
she chooses to dance

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 42 Of 100 #The100DayProject2024

Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

She Is A Haunted House

 The world either breaks you or kills you

She does her best to ignore that truth
with the lies she sings to the stars
and screams to the sea
as her body bows with the weight
of what she became
and all she might have become

The fear of fire
kept her from chasing the light
The ravages of risk
kept her from moving much at all

She arrives at the end
a house with all the windows shut
and all the doors locked
preparing to be emptied of life
and filled with all the souls
of the lives she did not live

Tressa Lee Breen

Harbinger Of Regret

 Resurrecting old, original drives
the memories exhumed with every note
the emotions being dragged down by the memories with every decrescendo
Wasting time with new dreams
Impossible fantasies
facing the knowing
that's there's no one else to blame
create a dark funnel leading to
That voice
rising from a plethora of beautiful voices
holds up a broken mirror
rips open the truth
and makes the bleeding honest
What I had been capable of
the moment I heard what I could be capable of
and the fear I allowed to kill it
just as the sound I had been working for was being heard
Still I listen every day
attempting to reconcile with my past
without losing more time to it
to create some kind of art in my present
inspired every time I hear that voice sing

Tressa Lee Breen

Images of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Who Is She To You

 She is of blood
and from blood

The lace of a silk noose
the leather of dark bedding

She's never in the sun
yet brighter than the beam

She's what darkness fears
and all it desires

Sharper than moonlight
softer than a flickering flame

She'll burn you black
with the redness of her love

She'll clean you with the salt of her skin
and drown you in her ocean

She's the heart of obsession
and the death we all crave

Tressa Lee Breen

The Triune Of Entropy

 Along the edges of the valley by nature
kept low by nurture

A nervous disposition by heredity
kept quaking by environment

There is no family plan
no dawning to create a path

The hubris of confidence

The courage of safety

The energy of idleness

That terrible trinity becomes clear
and it's too late for anything to emerge
save for a wish that hindsight
was blind

Tressa Lee Breen

The Skin Cries Out

 A little plant and a little fruit
over the unwashed

The scent of eucalyptus
and the spritz of verbena
to cover the decay

The itch of flesh
in private places
ends with painful satisfaction

Pay the price
with the grit of dead skin
covering an oily layer of desperation

The skin cries out
Save yourself and move!

The body says
Did you hear something?

Tressa Lee Breen

Popping A Dangerous Game

I play a dangerous game with my body
to get it to do what I want

Not at first of course

At first I try all the conventional non-invasive ways

hoping magnetism will bring my words together

Reading others' works
drawing inspiration from someone else's ink
on to my paper

(Strangers' seeds 
someone else's water
become someone else's flowers)

Sometimes my words lay too deep for a pull
too deep to be moved by others' voices

That's when I reach for the fast
popping and swilling legal-over-the-counter stimulants
in the hopes that they will dig down
and unbury what I need

What I crave

Who really needs a heart anyway

Tressa Lee Breen
Legal-over-the-counter-stimulants = Red Bull, Jet-Alert.

Rigged Game, Dangerous Winnings

 A blizzard of artificial wisdom
to satisfy those who believe
without thought

A blinding white voice
speaks dogma in detail

A hand out to the self-righteous
an empty palm begging to be filled
every Sunday

A test of metal
to believe without facts
never realizing their iron
is irony

We should all shudder
when the republic
lays down their trump card
and begins to run

Tressa Lee Breen

His Electric Queen

 He knew she was
out of his league
above his pay grade
in a higher class
the embodiment of every cliche
the reason they existed

But she saw him
and he felt her

All he could do was open
unbound and unground
and let her
feel him

And their currents flowed
from one to the other
and back again
until their streams created fire
and they lived in the warmth
of this kingdom they created

Tressa Lee Breen

Her Name Was Hope

 She found in herself
nature and nurture
conservative and hedonist
vanilla and variety
a crypt in which every sordid desire
dreamt and undreamt
yet still lived

The damage of dogma
the anxiety of angels
dug this grave
and sealed this tomb
for every pleasurable impulse
she was born with

The Sunday lie
that every desire was sordid
our natures were dirty
and our varieties vulgar

She opened
and let herself flow

It was all a lie

The lie of Pandora's Box

With boxes shut
all Pandoras are controlled

Boxes open
they are not just free
but equal

Each with a voice to shout her own name

Her name was Hope

Tressa Lee Breen


and curse
I calculate
there's a fifty-fifty chance
any man I choose
will be either

The disaster of a disguised Don Juan

The voodoo of a lying lover

That's what she thought
that's what she said
as she couldn't remember
when she decided
those were the only men
who would want her

Tressa Lee Breen

Who Turned The Game Over

 You tried me
and failed

Now I'll do you

The notch you wanted for your bedpost
will instead be a jewel in my crown

Thought I'd be an easy mark for your game
a little hanky-panky
and a big disappearing act

Well, let me enthusiastically disappoint you

My bedroom isn't a boardgame

My heart isn't a pair of dice

And the only thing getting torn up and tossed out
is your get-out-of-jail-free card

Tressa Lee Breen

Pyrrhic Victory

 That beast her life gave birth to
a protracted labor decades long
now sucks the life out of her through the nipple of time
The less there is
the more the pull
and the faster it goes
the slower she becomes
until the only satisfaction she'll get
is knowing that when she dies
it dies

Tressa Lee Breen
Pyrrhic - (pirik) - adjective - (of a victory) won at too great a cost to be worthwhile for the victor.

For The Worship Of

 I'll take the grit
if I can become the pearl

Scrub me raw with discipline

Scrape my skin with repetition

Wear me out with consistency

Set me on fire with need

Let my habits become my home

I'll lay bare in salt
if I can rise clean
if I rise strong
if I rise
I rise

Tressa Lee Breen

Bless That Blue Sky

that's when I want
to happen

An exploration
of every touch
that makes

When the sky of your eyes grows dark
I know the rain is coming
torrential sweat
clap of skin
strike of our voices
on parts hidden inside

The storm is

Tressa Lee Breen

Open Wide

 There's cleavage in the brain
a crevice of darkness
like the deep black kiss
from a partner who cares not
if you stay healthy

Wider it runs
harder it is to avoid
a gapping maw
that hungers for your voice
wants to feed on your words
until there is nothing left for you to say
because there is nothing you can say

The best of you is falling
falling down into your mind
no sides to grab
no bottom to hit
just falling
forever falling

Tressa Lee Breen

Believe In A Button

a game of verbal connect-the-dots
creating a maze we talk our way through
until we're together at the center
mentally unbuttoned
then our clothes follow suit
and the conversation continues
silence at full volume

Tressa Lee Breen

Rotting World

 It's a torment
thoughts popping in
and creating brutish scenarios
pulling me away
from the only search I want
a good harmony of words
lined up in chaotic order
to say something
mean something
though all I seem to find in my mind
is violence
a planet of pollution
dying of all the wrong words

Tressa Lee Breen

Not A Fairy Tale At All

 A smashing diamond
caught in a vicious kiss

He thought
as she was young
fear would be her paralytic
and he'd have easy prey

She'd teach this predator to think again
as this jewel was hard
and sharp

He dragged her into an alley
to do with as he pleased

She left him bleeding in that alley
after doing what was necessary to survive

Tressa Lee Breen

A Four-Leaf Fairy Tale

 The tiny clover has four doorways grown in
Each will lead to a different journey
The first will keep evil away
no teeth will ever pierce you through this amulet
The second will bring you fortune
wealth to make you drool with delight
The third will bring your love to you
a delicious bond of intimacy
The fourth will expand your sight like a strike of lightning
you will see the fairy folk and know their magic
Your amulet will keep anyone who has a negative thought
away from you
Your fortune will inspire others to erect a wall of envy
around you
Your sight will alienate you from your own
as you consume fairy magic
Choose well
choose wisely
after all
this is just a fantasy

Tressa Lee Breen

And Now A Sad Fairy Tale

 He was wrapped around her head
like a garland crown
that had not yet shown its rot

She was wrapped around his finger
the most expensive gold
hanging on a diseased stick

He was large and lifeless
given breath
only by her beauty

She was growing hard
an unwilling sacrifice
to a decrepit forest god
trapped in the prism of creeping vines
and priceless metal

And they are the same today
this dead deity and forced offering
as the world has forgotten both

Tressa Lee Breen

And Now A Fairy Tale

 He was like a quasar
exuding energy
felt by those not even near his orbit

Every person gravitated to him
some wanted him
some wanted to be him
all wanted to steal something from him
absorb his light

Spinning away
she tried not to focus on him
or herself
He was a bloom
She was a scale
He was a jewel
She was a witch

A hand on her shoulder
a gentle turn
a dark voice,

"You have cast a spell on me,
one I never want broken."

She wasn't a scale
she was the jewel's balance

He wasn't a jewel
he was the witch's beauty

they were magic

Tressa Lee Breen

Germane And Genital

 Has moves like a machine
perfect on paper
all chunk and no passion in action

It's the release that's important
germane and genital

Has yet to develop those higher qualities
finesse and style
considered unnecessary frippery for function

Like feelings
of connection
of sharing
of joy

Half the act
half the life
all the waste

Tressa Lee Breen

Chocolate Champagne Kerfuffle

 Out until stupid hours of the morning
drunk on bubbles and sweet darkness
Two people play an adult game
with children's enthusiasm
like flexible and anatomically correct dolls
they wear each other out
until they fall

And wake much later
heads a little bubbly
but no bitterness
they both aimed to satisfy

Morning shyness
they both giggle
they both speak

"What is your name?"

They both laugh

Tressa Lee Breen

Explore Forbidden Glory

 All your parents wouldn't talk about
all the doctrine of death decried as evil
because only the missionary was right

As a child
you were taught
He is risen

As an adult
all you want
is to go down with another

Mea culpa
it is not

and you discover
gloria in excelsis deo
is lower than a mortal can go
when they shout
kyrie eleison
in the arms of another

Now vanquish
the notion of sin
and love in the sensations
of life

Tressa Lee Breen
Mea culpa/through my fault
Gloria in excelsis deo/glory in the highest to god
Kyrie eleison/lord have mercy

Abuse Is Not A Color

 A broken face
dropped too many times
pieces hurriedly placed together
spackled with the latest shadow
and the newest stick
distracting from the rough edges of worry
the dirty eyes
and the sharpness of too tight a smile

What's one more fall
one more lie being recycled

Pretty negates problems
in others' vision
and the only questions asked
will be along the lines of 
'that shade of lipstick looks lovely on you
what's it called?'

The Man Of My Dreams

Tressa Lee Breen

Snakes Around The Brain Pan

 I could see its end
sliding along the bottom
hidden under the edges
if my fine china

Supposed to remove
the last vestiges of memories of meals
leaving pristine white

But I'm not putting my hand in there
try to avoid a scaly wrap around
and becoming a bite of something else's meal

And under the board it goes
trying to escape into an empty area

So now I have no choice
I grab its tail and pull it out
smaller than I thought
It unfurls its hood
I drop it on the floor
and crush its head under my shoe

If only bad memories 
slithering around my memory
flattened and forgotten
as easily

Tressa Lee Breen

Bringer Of Joy

 Reawakening old, original drives
the memories unburied with every note
the emotions riding the memories up with every crescendo
New dreams with old ties form
Impossible fantasies
the feeling of richness
the feeling of home
create a dark funnel leading only to what can be done
That voice
rising from a plethora of beautiful voices
starts old engines
brings back the wholeness
and makes the loss of it fresh
What I had been capable of
the moment I heard what I could be capable of
and the fear that killed it
just as the sound I had been working for was being heard
Still I listen every day
taking the beating of my past
to get to the beauty still there but buried
brought out every time I hear that voice sing

Tressa Lee Breen

Images of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.