Yule Gift

2005 Yule Gift
stone (type will be written on your gift name card).
white sea shell  (for water).
red stone from The Garden Of The Gods in Colorado (for earth).
quartz (hand quarryed in Conneticut, can be charged for house protection, garden fertility).
white candle (for fire).
incense mix (for air).
red chili pepper (fire/earth mix, for giving any Ritual/Spell extra power-fire).
Yule water: cedarwood, juniper berries, pine oils,
(from Magical Herbalism by Scott Cunningham, page 120), 
the water is snow from the first snowfall, Dec. 9, 2005:
can be used for -
change (snow into water),
rebirth (Yule is the beginning of the seasonal rebirth of earth),
binding (cold of the season freezes/stops water).