Never Have To Trudge

A finger on a string
several make a chord
nothing elaborate
just beauty
on the summer wind

The day doesn’t crawl
the day doesn’t fly

It’s not a slog
or a cyclone
a life
with music
carrying you

July 15, 2020

Day 100 of 100

Prompt: use Beauty, Elaborate, Finger, Music, Summer, Trudge in a poem.

Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Forms Of Worship

The language of a dream
in the enormous imagination
of sleep
has words
for every form
of worship
I can lay
on my man

In the waking hours
of night
I can only use
my body
to speak

July 14, 2020

Day 99 of 100

Prompt: use Dream, Enormous, Language, Man, Worship in a poem.

Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Under The Pink

I’ll drive away
the where, when, why
and the woulda, coulda, shoulda
of the light hours

Who needs
over the rainbow
when I can be
there with you
under the pink

July 13, 2020

Day 98 of 100

Prompt: use After, Drive, Pink, There, Why in a poem.

Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Shaking The Garden

Just the sight of you
sticks to me like honey
goes deep into
my DNA
to a primal

I want you
on all fours
flip you over
your back arched

I wanna make you feel
like the first human
being discovered
being explored

Lilith and her demons
have nothing on us

July 12, 2020

Day 97 of 100

Prompt: use Reptilian, Arched, Honey in a poem.

Image is "Lilith Considers Her Demons" by Lincoln Perry, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended. 


This won’t be
it will be

I’m going
to pull
all the pleasure
out of you
being pulled
from a room

leaving only enough
for you to scream

July 11, 2020

Day 96 of 100

Prompt: use Exacting, Oxygen, Delicate in a poem.

Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Narcotic In The Night

My meaning
is crystalline

I mean
to interrupt
your sleep

I plan
to nutmeg
your thighs
over your body

I’ll be
your narcotic
in the night

July 10, 2020

Day 95 of 100

Prompt: use Interrupt, Nutmeg, Crystalline in a poem.

Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Wake And Search

I must creak
like an old rocking chair
when I try to find
a rhythm

My skin
must be dusty
with lack of use

It’ll take
a drastic plan
a willing man
to wake me

July 9, 2020

Day 94 of 100

Prompt: use Skin, Drastic, Dusty in a poem.

Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Weather Or Not

We are each
a leaf
caught on the
air between us
toward one another

Every word
is the wind
that pushes us

Every touch
becoming sticky
with our sweat
of anticipation

Until the hurricane
we are becoming
turns into
the tornado
we will be
in the night

July 8, 2020

Day 93 of 100

Prompt: use Leaf, Accelerating, Sticky in a poem.

Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.


We are a puzzle
of gigantic
and minuscule
on silky sheets
testing each fit
until we find
our perfect picture

July 7, 2020

Day 92 of 100

Prompt: use Silky, Gigantic, puzzle in a poem.

Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken no profit made, and no offense intended.

Swoop In Low

A moth
of whole cloth
at the perfect angle
will curve
and twist
and tangle
in your flame

And your burn
does not kill
but awake

July 6, 2020

Day 91 of 100

Prompt: use Moth, Angle, Cloth, Tangle in a poem.

Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Snake Charmer

I’ll coil a charm
around your cold nerve endings
set them a-tingling
as you thaw

Warm honey will drip
on those long untouched places
and my tongue
will snake its way
all over

And you will rise
to dance

July 5, 2020

Day 90 of 100

Prompt: use Snake, Honey, Thaw in a poem.

Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Things To Be Done

Soothe the day out
smooth the way in
for the dark

There’s work to be done
in the night

July 4, 2020

Day 89 of 100

Prompt: use Smooth, Soothe, Work, Dark in a poem.

Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

A Little Light On The Situation

Woke up with a lampshade on
and not much else
crystal danglies
expensive head gear

Rolled over to see
a gorgeous what’s-his-name
giving me the eye
a little bruise along his lips
bringing back hazy memories
of what that mouth can do

Figuring Bette Davis
even with those eyes
could not be convincing
as innocent in this moment
I winked and doffed my chapeau

He laughed
leaned over
and grabbed my chain
“May I turn you on?”
I grabbed his
“You first”

July 3, 2020

Day 88 of 100

Prompt: use Expensive, Lampshade, Bruise, Convincing in a poem.

Reference to Bette Davis and to Kim Carnes's song, "Bette Davis Eyes".

Image from Lady Gaga's music video "Bad Romance", used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended. 


feels good
through my sinuses

All that extra clothing
some itchy
some silky

Snow stuck to my hair
a hint of my future color
the season washes me

Fried chicken
jojo potatoes
a parlor picnic
with all the fixins

Rugs instead of grass
carols instead of sunscreen

Crispy winter wonderland

July 2, 2020

Day 87 of 100

Image is of my grandparents' living room Christmas 2009. 


Don’t care
if you’re sorry
don’t care
if you aren’t

It’s ok
if you still love me
it’s ok
if you don’t

You can run
you can stay

Either way
any way
you’re outside
of me

July 1, 2020

Day 86 of 100

Image of unknown origin, used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.