Kiss The Past Goodbye Ritual


small cauldron
large cauldron
lavendar oil
lotus incense
"Prairie Ruins" by Gabrielle Roth and the Mirrors, song # 4 on the "Ritual" CD 
"Kiss The Past Good-bye" by Aerosmith, song # 10 on the "Nine Lives" CD
"Hecate" by Wendy Rule, song # 9 on the "The Lotus Eaters" CD
two black candles
banishing mix: herbs - angelica, basil, clove, mint, rosemary, sage, birch (from "Solitary Witch" by Silver RavenWolf, pgs, 279, 503), banishing oil

Purification of Space

(music: "Prairie Ruins," 
with besom, around circle 3x, widdershins - counterclockwise)

Cleanse and purify
Cleansing and purifying
Cleansed and purified

Purification of People

Do you wish to enter the Circle?
Then enter and be cleansed

(with lavendar oil anoint forehead)

Casting Circle

(wand, deosil - clockwise)

Over the Earth that supports us
Through the Air that fills us
With the Fire that motivates us
Next to the Water that sustains us
This Circle is made
So mote it be

Calling Quarters

(starting in North, deosil - clockwise)

(left hand flat parallel with ground)

Salutations in the North
Let the Elements of the ancient Land that supports us
and withstands the passage of time
be invited to attend
Hail and be welcome

(left hand upraised with fingers spread)

Salutations in the East
Let the Elements of the Wind that fills us
and blows through eternity
be invited to attend
Hail and be welcome

(left hand upraised in a fist)

Salutations in the South
Let the Elements of the Flame that motivates us
and lights the way through centuries
be invited to attend
Hail and be welcome

(left hand cupped)

Salutations in the West
Let the Elements of the Water that sustains us
and flows through millennia
be invited to attend
Hail and be welcome

(left hand over upper sternum)

Salutations that which is Divine
Let the Spirit of that which always was, is and will be
be invited to attend
Hail and be welcome

Calling Goddess and God

(in front of altar)

(light silver candle)

(arms held up) 

Hail to thee Maiden, Mother, Protector, Crone
Awake  Awake  Awake
We light this flame
We seek your spark
Arise  Arise  Arise
Hail and be welcome

(light gold candle)

(arms crossed over chest)

Hail to thee Youth, Father, Protector, Sage

Awake  Awake  Awake
We light this flame
We seek your spark
Arise  Arise  Arise
Hail and be welcome

Altar Blessing

(with incense draw pentacle over altar 3x)

We ask the blessings of Crone and Sage upon these tools
That they may be used 
And Powerfully

May what we do be in perfect love         (light red candle)
Perfect trust                                        (light pink candle)
And purity of purpose                       (light white candle)
With harm to none

In honor of the moon 
In her phase                            (light moon phase candle)

In honor of the sun
In his glory                              (light sun candle)

So mote it be


music: "Kiss The Past Good-bye" by Aerosmith, "Nine Lives" CD

light one black candle in small cauldron
write what one wants to kiss goobye on parchment
fold length ways into a V shape
put some of banishing mix into parchment V
with tongs hold over candle and burn

Banishing Illness

music: "Hecate" by Wendy Rule, "The Lotus Eaters" CD

light one black candle in large cauldron
burn any tokens of healing

Altar Ending

With honor                           (snuff moon phase candle)

With honor                           (snuff sun candle)

With harm to none
And purity of purpose                     (snuff white candle)
Perfect trust                                       (snuff pink candle)
And perfect love                                  (snuff red candle)

So mote it be

Thanking Goddess and God

(arms upraised)

Mother, Lady, Goddess
Thank you for joining us in our Ritual

(snuff silver candle)

Hail and farewell

(arms crossed over chest)

Father, Lord, God
Thank you for joining us in our Ritual

(snuff gold candle)

Hail and farewell

Dismissing Quarters

(left hand over sternum)

Our respects that which is Divine, Spirit
Our thanks for your presence
Hail and farewell

(left hand cupped)

Our respects in the West, Water
Our thanks for your presence
Hail and farewll

(left hand upraised fist)

Our respects in the South, Fire
Our thanks for your presence
Hail and farewell

(left hand fingers spread)

Our respects in the East, Air
Our thanks for your presence
Hail and farewell

(left hand parallel with ground)

Our respects in the North, Earth
Our thanks for your presence
Hail and farewell

Circle Dismantling

(with athame, widdershins - counterclockwise)

Over the Earth that supports us
Next to the Water that sustains us
With the Fire that motivates us
Through the Air that fills us
This Circle is open yet unbroken
So mote it be
Merry meet, merry part, merry meet again
Blessed Be
