Justice Ritual

Justice Ritual  June/July 2003

Begun: Monday, June 30, 2003
End: Sunday, July 13, 2003
Moon: Waxing to Full
Crystal:  Carnelian (justice)
Oil:  Cedarwood (justice), set on altar
Herb:  High John the Conqueror Root (invincibility)
Incense:  Laurie Cabot’s Witches Lightening
Candle: White (mini)
Music:  Ritual by Gabrielle Roth and the Mirrors

Purification of Space

(broom, around circle 3x, widdershins)

Cleanse and purify
Cleansing and purifying
Cleansed and purified

Casting Circle

(wand, deosil)

Over the Earth that supports me
Through the Air that fills me
With the Fire that motivates me
Next to the Water that sustains me
This Circle is made

The Universe is my Circle
The Circle my Universe

Quarter Calls

(hand held flat, parallel with ground)

Salutations Spirits of Earth in the North
Movers of mountains through eons
You are invited to attend

(hand upraised, fingers spread)

Salutations Spirits of Air in the East
Winds that whip through time
You are invited to attend

(hand upraised in fist)

Salutations Spirits of Fire in the South
Flames that light the way through centuries
You are invited to attend

(hand cupped)

Salutations Spirits of Water in the West
Flowing through millennia
You are invited to attend

(hand over sternum)

Salutations Spirit in the Center of All
That moves through time yet is outside time
You are invited to attend

Calling Goddess and God

(arms upraised)

Hail to thee Maiden, Mother, Crone
Awake  Awake  Awake
I light this flame
I seek your spark
Arise  Arise  Arise

(light silver candle)

(arms crossed over chest)

Hail to thee Youth, Father, Sage
Awake  Awake  Awake
I light this flame
I seek your spark
Arise  Arise  Arise

(light gold candle)

Altar Blessing

Upon these items I ask for
The blessings of Earth
That they be stable
The blessings of Air
That they be strong
The blessings of Fire
That they be powerful
The blessings of Water
That they be clean
The blessings of Spirit
That they be pure
The blessings of Lady and Lord
That they be lasting

May what I do be in perfect love         (light red candle)
Perfect trust                                        (light pink candle)
And purity of purpose                       (light white candle)
With harm to none

In honor of the moon
In her phase                            (light moon phase candle)

(light incense)


(carve the word Justice in white candle, anoint with Cedarwood oil and High John the Conqueror root shavings, moving from tip to bottom)

I call for Justice for the
Gossip spoken of me
Assumptions made of me
Lies written of me
Rights denied me
At X


(light white candle)

I invoke Justice
And leave X to It



(hand over white candle)

May this circle within a circle be not open yet unbroken
Til flame and candle be gone

Altar Ending

With honor                           (snuff moon phase candle)

With harm to none
And purity of purpose                     (snuff white candle)
Perfect trust                                       (snuff pink candle)
And perfect love                                  (snuff red candle)

Thanking Goddess and God

(arms upraised)

Maiden, Mother, Crone
My thanks to thee
For the light and life You bring
Blessed Be  Blessed Be  Blessed Be

(snuff silver candle)

(arms crossed over chest)

Youth, Father, Sage
My thanks to thee
For the light and life You Bring
Blessed Be  Blessed Be  Blessed Be

(snuff gold candle)

Quarter Dismissal

(hand over sternum)

Fare thee well Spirit in the Center of All
Take my thanks for your attendance into that time out of time

(hand cupped)

Fare thee well Spirits of Water in the West
Take my thanks for you attendance where you flow

(hand upraised in fist)

Fare thee well Spirits of Fire in the South
Take my thanks for your attendance into the flames

(hand upraised, fingers spread)

Fare thee well Spirits of Air in the East
Take my thanks for your attendance when you whip the winds

(hand held flat, parallel with ground)

Fare thee well Spirits of Earth in the North
Take my thanks for you attendance when you move the mountains

Circle Dismantling

(with athame, widdershins)

Over the Earth that supports me
Next to the Water that sustains me
With the Fire that motivates me
Through the Air that fills me
This Circle is open yet unbroken

The Circle is my Universe
The Universe my Circle

(let white mini candle burn out, carry Carnelian until Ritual completed, removing from person only for Ritual)


Banishing The Hold Of The Past Waning Moon Ritual


Begun Wednesday, June 18, 2003    Waning moon

Banishing oil
Pine Incense
Black mini candles
Black cord (as used for jewelry)

Music: Tribe by Gabrielle Roth and the Mirrors

Purification of Space

(gong, around circle 3x, widdershins)

Cleanse and purify
Cleansing and purifying
Cleansed and purified

Casting Circle

(starting in North, wand, deosil)

Over the Earth that supports me
Through the Air that fills me
With the Fire that motivates me
Next to the Water that sustains me
This Circle is made

Calling Quarters

(starting in North, deosil)

(left hand flat parallel with ground)

Hail and well met in the North, Earth
Let the ancient Land that withstands the passage of time
Join me and bring to my Ritual
and Prosperity.
(light Quarter Candle)

(left hand upraised with fingers spread)

Hail and well met in the East, Air
Let the wind that blows through eternity
Join me and bring to my Ritual
and Freedom.

(light Quarter candle)

(left hand upraised in a fist)

Hail and well met in the South, Fire
Let the burning at the heart of the planet
Join me and bring to my Ritual
and Success.

(light Quarter Candle)

(left hand cupped)

Hail and well met in the West, Water
Let the seas that flow through the eons
Join me and bring to my Ritual
and Peace.
(light Quarter candle)

(left hand over upper sternum)

Hail and well met that which is Divine, Spirit
Let that which always was, is and will be
Be conscience and focused during my Ritual

(light Quarter candle)

Calling God/dess

(arms upraised)

Goddess, Lady, Mother
Join me in my Ritual

(light silver candle)

(arms crossed over chest)

God, Lord, Father
Join my in my Ritual

(light gold candle)

Altar Blessing

(incense, pentacle over altar 3x)

I ask the blessings of Crone and Sage upon these tools
That they may be used
And Powerfully

May what I do be in perfect love         (light red candle)
Perfect trust                                        (light pink candle)
And purity of purpose                       (light white candle)
With harm to none

In honor of the moon
In her phase                            (light moon phase candle)


(carve sigil into candle and anoint, base to tip, with Banishing oil)

I banish my anger of my past
To create motivation in my future

I banish my need to avenge my past
To create inspiration in my future

I banish my desire for revenge of my past
To create passion in my future

I banish my vengeance for my past
To create serenity in my future

Time is the fire in which the past burns
And whatever else the past is
It is gone
Like a candle put to flame

(repeat 3x)

(light black candle)

(wrap black cord around same wrist as watch 3x, knot 3x)

(meditate and/or dance widdershins)

Altar Ending

With honor                           (snuff moon phase candle)

With harm to none
And purity of purpose                     (snuff white candle)
Perfect trust                                       (snuff pink candle)
And perfect love                                  (snuff red candle)

Thanking God/dess

(arms upraised)

Mother, Lady, Goddess
Thank you for joining me in my Ritual

(snuff silver candle)

(arms crossed over chest)

Father, Lord, God
Thank you for joining me in my Ritual

(snuff gold candle)

Dismissing Quarters

(starting in Center)

(left hand over sternum)

Hail and farewell that which is Divine, Spirit
My thanks for your presence

(snuff Quarter candle)

(left hand cupped)

Hail and farewell in the West, Water
My thanks for your presence

(snuff Quarter candle)

(left hand upraised fist)

Hail and farewell in the South, Fire
My thanks for your presence

(snuff Quarter candle)

(left hand fingers spread)

Hail and farewell in the East, Air
My thanks for your presence

(snuff Quarter candle)

(left hand parallel with ground)

Hail and farewell in the North, Earth
My thanks for your presence

(snuff Quarter candle)

Circle Dismantling

(starting in North, athame, widdershins)

Over the Earth that supports me
Next to the Water that sustains me
With the Fire that motivates me
Through the Air that fills me
This Circle is open yet unbroken

(Continue this Ritual during waning moon)

(Leave black cord on until Ritual over or until it falls off)