Astral Haunt
The silver cord slithers toward me
light barely acknowledging its existence with a reflective ray
That thread that binds
I know you are attached
You’re here
in the shiver
in the shudder
in the racing heart
and wet tongue
The drop of sweat
the hardening
the dampening
the hairs that stand
but you’re not hiding
Clear as air
colorful as sin
Quiet as space
loud as little death
You’re an invading army of one
attacking my thought
with visuals of erotic ecstasy
lustful lips
maddening mouths
ferocious fingers
that scorch my earth
Above when I sleep
below me when I work
beside me when I cross the walk
inside me when I close my eyes
I feel you fill me
slip in
and slip out
of me
Thrusting in
thrusting through
tying us two
your calculating cord
to us both
February 23, 2001
Tressa Lee Breen