Body For Life Challenge & Waxing Moon Ritual

Body For Life Challenge Ritual 

July, 2001 Waxing Moon

White candle in female form
Necklace - Talisman

Purification of Space:


Cleanse and purify
Cleansing and purifying
Cleansed and purified

Circle Casting:


Over the Earth that supports me
Through the Air that fills me
With the Fire that motivates me
Next to the Water that sustains me
This Circle is made

Quarter Calls:

(left hand flat parallel with ground)

Hail and well met in the North, Earth
Let the ancient Land that withstands the passage of time
With “Zee-MEE-nah” and “Zee-MAY-tis”
The Lithuanian Goddess of Earth and her Consort
Join me in my Ritual and grant me your gifts of
and Prosperity.
(Zemyna, Zemepatis)

(light Quarter candle)

(left hand upraised with fingers spread)

Hail and well met in the East, Air
Let the wind that blows through eternity
With “Vay-YOU MOH-ti-nah” and “DEAH-vahs”
The Lithuanian Mother of the 4 Winds and God of the Shining Sky
Join me in my Ritual and grant me your gifts of
and Freedom.

(Veju Motina, Dievas)

(light Quarter candle)

(left hand upraised in a fist)

Hail and well met in the South, Fire
Let the burning at the heart of the planet
With “GA-bee-jah” and “Gahb-JOW-jas”
The Lithuanian Goddess and God of Fire
Join me in my Ritual and grant me your gifts of
and Success.

(Gabija, Gabjanjas)

(light Quarter candle)
(left hand cupped)

Hail and well met in the West, Water
Let the seas that flow through the eons
With “you-Ra-tay” and “ow-TRIM-pas”
The Lithuanian Goddess and God of the Sea
Join me in my gathering and grant me your gifts of
and Peace.

(Jurate, Autrimpas)

(light Quarter candle)

(left hand over upper sternum)

Hail and well met that which is Divine and within me, Spirit
Let that part of me that always was, is and will be
Be conscience and focused during my Ritual

(light Quarter candle)

Calling Goddess:

(arms upraised)

Goddess, Lady, Mother
Join me in my Ritual

(light silver candle)

Calling God:

(arms crossed over chest)

God, Lord, Father
Join my in my Ritual

(light silver candle)

Altar Blessing:


I ask the blessings of Crone and Sage upon these tools
That they may be used
And Powerfully

May what I do be in perfect love         (light red candle)
Perfect trust                                        (light pink candle)
And purity of purpose                       (light white candle)
With harm to none

(White female form candle
On front
Right arm – Reward
Sternum – Knowledge
Left arm – Perseverance
Right leg – Purpose
Left leg- Intense Desire
On back
Left arm – Visualization
Back – Faith
Right arm – Role Model
Left leg – Survive and Thrive
Right leg – Accept Responsibility and Take Control)
(Necklace - talisman)

(Place white candle in holder and light,
Place necklace at feet of candle)

I will find and absorb Knowledge
Reward will come to me
Perseverance flows in me
Purpose is sharp and clear in me
Intense Desire constantly focuses me
Faith is always within me
My Visualization is unfaltering
I am my own Role Model
I Survive and Thrive
I Accept Responsibility and Take Control

This Talisman will be my constant reminder
My constant Ritual


With harm to none
And purity of purpose                     (snuff white candle)
Perfect trust                                       (snuff pink candle)
And perfect love                                  (snuff red candle)

Thanking Goddess:

(arms upraised)

Mother, Lady, Goddess
Thank you for joining me in my Ritual

(snuff silver candle)

Thanking God:

(arms crossed over chest)

Father, Lord, God
Thank you for joining me in my Ritual

(snuff gold candle)

Dismissing Quarters:

(left hand over sternum)

Hail and farewell that which is Divine
And within me, Spirit
My thanks for your presence

(snuff Quarter candle)

(left hand cupped)

Hail and farewell in the West, Water
“you-RA-tay” and “ow-TRIM-pas”
My thanks for your presence

(snuff Quarter candle)

(left hand upraised fist)

Hail and farewell in the South, Fire
“GA-bee-jah” and “gahb-JOW-jas”
My thanks for your presence

(snuff Quarter candle)

(left hand fingers spread)

Hail and farewell in the East, Air
“vay-you MOH-ti-nah” and “DEAH-vas”
My thanks for your presence

(snuff Quarter candle)

(left hand parallel with ground)

Hail and farewell in the North, Earth
“zee-MEE-nah” and “zee-MAY-tis”
My thanks for your presence

(snuff Quarter candle)

(snuff white female form candle)

Though its light be not seen
Its strength is not diminished

Circle Dismantling:

Over the Earth that supports me
Next to the Water that sustains me
With the Fire that motivates me
Through the Air that fills me
This Circle is open yet unbroken

(continue every night of waxing moon or until white female form candle burns out)


Body For Life Challenge & Waning Moon Ritual

Body For Life Challenge Ritual

July, 2001 Waning Moon

Black candle in female form
Necklace – amulet

Purification of Space:


Cleanse and purify
Cleansing and purifying
Cleansed and purified

Circle Casting:


Over the Earth that supports me
Through the Air that fills me
With the Fire that motivates me
Next to the Water that sustains me
This Circle is made

Quarter Calls:

(left hand flat parallel with ground)

Hail and well met in the North, Earth
Let the ancient Land that withstands the passage of time
With “Zee-MEE-nah” and “Zee-MAY-tis”
The Lithuanian Goddess of Earth and her Consort
Join me in my Ritual and grant me your gifts of
and Prosperity.
(Zemyna, Zemepatis)

(light Quarter candle)

(left hand upraised with fingers spread)

Hail and well met in the East, Air
Let the wind that blows through eternity
With “Vay-YOU MOH-ti-nah” and “DEAH-vahs”
The Lithuanian Mother of the 4 Winds and God of the Shining Sky
Join me in my Ritual and grant me your gifts of
and Freedom.

(Veju Motina, Dievas)

(light Quarter candle)

(left hand upraised in a fist)

Hail and well met in the South, Fire
Let the burning at the heart of the planet
With “GA-bee-jah” and “Gahb-JOW-jas”
The Lithuanian Goddess and God of Fire
Join me in my Ritual and grant me your gifts of
and Success.

(Gabija, Gabjanjas)

(light Quarter candle)
(left hand cupped)

Hail and well met in the West, Water
Let the seas that flow through the eons
With “you-Ra-tay” and “ow-TRIM-pas”
The Lithuanian Goddess and God of the Sea
Join me in my gathering and grant me your gifts of
and Peace.

(Jurate, Autrimpas)

(light Quarter candle)

(left hand over upper sternum)

Hail and well met that which is Divine and within me, Spirit
Let that part of me that always was, is and will be
Be conscience and focused during my Ritual

(light Quarter candle)

Calling Goddess:

(arms upraised)

Goddess, Lady, Mother
Join me in my Ritual

(light silver candle)

Calling God:

(arms crossed over chest)
God, Lord, Father
Join my in my Ritual

(light silver candle)

Altar Blessing:


I ask the blessings of Crone and Sage upon these tools
That they may be used
And Powerfully

May what I do be in perfect love         (light red candle)
Perfect trust                                        (light pink candle)
And purity of purpose                       (light white candle)
With harm to none

(black female form candle
On front
Right arm – Loss
Sternum – Ignorance
Left arm – Failure
Right leg – Undetermined
Left leg – Indifference
On back
Left arm – Lack of Vision
Back – Distrust
Right arm – Negative Influences
Left leg – Weakness
Right leg – Relinquishing Responsibility and Control)

(Necklace – Amulet)

(place black candle in holder and light
place necklace at feet of candle)

I banish Ignorance
I banish Loss of Reward
I banish Failure
I banish being Undetermined
I banish Indifference
I banish Distrust in myself and my abilities
I banish Lack of Vision
I banish Negative Influences
I banish Weakness, mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical
I banish Relinquishing Responsibility and Control

This amulet will be my constant reminder
My constant Ritual


With harm to none
And purity of purpose                     (snuff white candle)
Perfect trust                                       (snuff pink candle)
And perfect love                                  (snuff red candle)

Thanking Goddess:

(arms upraised)

Mother, Lady, Goddess
Thank you for joining me in my Ritual

(snuff silver candle)

Thanking God:

(arms crossed over chest)

Father, Lord, God
Thank you for joining me in my Ritual

(snuff gold candle)

Dismissing Quarters:

(left hand over sternum)

Hail and farewell that which is Divine
And within me, Spirit
My thanks for your presence

(snuff Quarter candle)

(left hand cupped)

Hail and farewell in the West, Water
“you-RA-tay” and “ow-TRIM-pas”
My thanks for your presence

(snuff Quarter candle)

(left hand upraised fist)

Hail and farewell in the South, Fire
“GA-bee-jah” and “gahb-JOW-jas”
My thanks for your presence

(snuff Quarter candle)

(left hand fingers spread)

Hail and farewell in the East, Air
“vay-you MOH-ti-nah” and “DEAH-vas”
My thanks for your presence

(snuff Quarter candle)

(left hand parallel with ground)

Hail and farewell in the North, Earth
“zee-MEE-nah” and “zee-MAY-tis”
My thanks for your presence

(snuff Quarter candle)

(snuff white female form candle)

Though its light be not seen
Its strength is not diminished

Circle Dismantling:

Over the Earth that supports me
Next to the Water that sustains me
With the Fire that motivates me
Through the Air that fills me
This Circle is open yet unbroken

(continue every night of waxing moon or until white female form candle burns out)