Spin Cycle Lament (revised)
I carry my worn memories
and drag my soiled dreams
down into a dark corner in my soul.
Old and rusty white
toothless and gaping mouthed
the bought purifier gobbles up my dirty past.
Powdered snowflake cleansing and liquid sunshine absolution.
Water drowning
schools not attended
pictures not drawn
words not written
songs not sung
roles not played
paths not ventured
risks not taken.
Rinsing away
uncomfortable but safe places stayed
jobs unliked but worked
lovers taken but not loving
compromises unwanted but made
time alive but not lived.
Spinning out
the same faded days to wear.
The twin then inhales them
burning deep and searing in the weaved patterns.
I slip them on and am surrounded by artificial warmth
with their synthetic purity clinging to me like toxic mountain flowers.
January 28, 2003
Tressa Lee Breen