2006 July 21 New Moon Healer Ordination Ritual For Marie
multi vitamins and calcium tablets
water in chalice
amber glass bowl
white candle for Maiden
red candle for Mother
black candle for Crone
white stone (from Plymouth, MA beach) for Maiden
red stone (from Garden of the Gods, CO) for Mother
black stone (jet) for Crone
lotus incense for Maiden
rose incense for Mother
amber incense for Crone
lightening water with white sea glass from Gloucester, MA for Maiden
lightening water with red pebbles from Garden of the Gods, CO for Mother
lightening water with black pebbles for Crone
purple scarf with gold crescents and pentacles for Maiden
purple scarf with white and blue flowers for Mother
purple scarf with black background for Crone
adapted version of the Nightingale Pledge for Maiden
adapted version of the Serenity Prayer for Mother
adapted version of The Oath Of The Healer for Crone
Purification of Space
(with water, around circle 3x, widdershins - counterclockwise)
Cleanse and purify
Cleansing and purifying
Cleansed and purified
Purification of People
Do you wish to enter the Circle?
Then enter and be cleansed
(with lavendar oil anoint forehead)
Casting Circle
(wand, deosil - clockwise)
Over the Earth that supports us
Through the Air that fills us
With the Fire that motivates us
Next to the Water that sustains us
This Circle is made
The Universe is our Circle
The Circle our Universe
So mote it be
Calling Quarters
(starting in North, deosil - clockwise)
(left hand flat parallel with ground)
Salutations in the North
Let the Elements of the ancient Land that supports us
and withstands the passage of time
be invited to attend
Hail and be welcome
(left hand upraised with fingers spread)
Salutations in the East
Let the Elements of the Wind that fills us
and blows through eternity
be invited to attend
Hail and be welcome
(left hand upraised in a fist)
Salutations in the South
Let the Elements of the Flame that motivates us
and lights the way through centuries
be invited to attend
Hail and be welcome
(left hand cupped)
Salutations in the West
Let the Elements of the Water that sustains us
and flows through millennia
be invited to attend
Hail and be welcome
(left hand over upper sternum)
Salutations that which is Divine
Let the Spirit of that which always was, is and will be
be invited to attend
Hail and be welcome
Calling Goddess and God
(in front of altar)
(light silver candle)
(arms held up)
Hail to thee Maiden, Mother, Crone
Awake Awake Awake
We light this flame
We seek your spark
Arise Arise Arise
Hail and be welcome
(light gold candle)
(arms crossed over chest)
Hail to thee Youth, Father, Sage
Awake Awake Awake
We light this flame
We seek your spark
Arise Arise Arise
Hail and be welcome
Altar Blessing
(with incense draw pentacle over altar 3x)
We ask the blessings of Crone and Sage upon these tools
That they may be used
And Powerfully
So mote it be
May what we do be in perfect love (light red candle)
Perfect trust (light pink candle)
And purity of purpose (light white candle)
With harm to none
So mote it be
In honor of the moon
In her phase (light moon phase candle)
In honor of the sun
In his glory (light sun candle)
So mote it be
(Tressa asks Marie to step forward)
"Marie, welcome to your Healer Ordination Ritual"
(applause for Marie)
Maiden (Tressa)
I the Maiden greet my sister Marie with happiness and exuberance
(hug Marie)
And wish to bestow upon her gifts of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit
Do you accept these gifts?
(Marie answers)
(Maiden gestures to each item as it is spoken of)
I will give to you this stone of Earth
so that you will have a foundation
of youthfulness in your craft
I will give to you this incense of Air
so that you will have a foundation
of inspiration in your craft
I will give to you this candle of Fire
so that you will have a foundation
of passion in your craft
I will give to you this lightening of Water
so that you will have a foundation
of joy in your craft
I will give to you this scarf of Spirit
so that you will have a foundation
of serious play in your craft
(hold one hand over or on Marie's head)
I solemnly pledge to help you
as you have pledged to pass your life in purity
as you practice your profession faithfully;
I will support you in your abstainence
from whatever is deleterious and mischievous
and guide you in not taking
or knowingly administering
any harmful drug;
I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate you
as you do the same for your profession
and as you hold in confidence all personal matters committed to your keeping
and any family affairs coming into your knowledge in the pratice of your calling;
with loyalty will I endeavor to aid you in your work
and devote myself to your welfare as you devote yourself to those committed to your care.
Remember the Mystery:
seeking and yearning will avail you not
for if that which you seek
you find not within yourself
you will never find it without.
I will be with you always.
(hug Marie then move into the Circle)
Mother (Heather)
I the Mother greet my daughter Marie with joy and pride
(hug Marie)
And wish to bestow upon her gifts of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit
Do you accept these gifts?
(Marie answers)
(Mother gestures to each item as it is spoken of)
I will give you this stone of Earth
so that you will have a foundation
of dedication in your craft
I will give you this incense of Air
so that you will have a foundation
of purpose in your craft
I will give you this candle of Fire
so that you will have a foundation
of power in your craft
I will give you this lightening of Water
so that you will have a foundation
of balance in your craft
I will give you this scarf of Spirit
so that you will have a foundation
of rightness in your craft
(holding one hand over or on Marie's head)
I grant you the serenity
to accept the things you cannot change,
the courage to change the things you can,
and the wisdom to know the difference;
to live one day at a time and help others to do the same;
to accept hardship and make it a pathway to peace for yourself and others;
taking this world as it is,
not as you or any would have it:
to trust yourself to make things right for yourself and those in your care if you can
and to surrender with grace when you cannot;
to strive for happiness and health in this life
so as to build a bridge of serenity into the next life for yourself and those in your care.
Remember the Mystery:
seeking and yearning will avail you not
for if that which you seek
you find not within yourself
you will never find it without.
I will be with you always.
(hug Marie then move into the Circle)
Crone (Robin)
I the Crone greet my grandchild Marie with love and contentment
(hug Marie)
And wish to bestow upon her gifts of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit
Do you accept these gifts?
(Marie answers)
(Crone gestures to each item as it is spoken of)
I will give you this stone of Earth
so that you will have a foundation
of completion in your craft
I will give you this incense of Air
so that you will have a foundation
of release in your craft
I will give you this candle of Fire
so that you will have a foundation
of strength in your craft
I will give you this lightening of Water
so that you will have a foundation
of peace in your craft
I will give you this scarf of Spirit
so that you will have a foundation
of fulfillment in your craft
(holding one hand over or on Marie's head)
I accept your freely given oath,
whereby you have pledged to yourself and others
the manner in which you shall live the rest of your days.
You shall be forever grateful to your teachers
who have planted and will plant the seeds of knowledge,
which you shall forever nuture.
You shall thank them for allowing you to see the importance of learning
and realizing that lifelong study is critically important
to becoming and remaining a Healer.
You shall realize that you become a Healer for all eternity.
You must strive to be a person of good will,
high moral character,
and impeccable conduct.
You shall love your fellow beings as you love your craft of healing.
You shall act in the best interest of your patients
and shall never allow personal reward to impact your judgement.
You shall have the highest respect for life
and remember that it is wrong to terminate life in certain circumstances,
permissible in some,
and an act of supreme love in others.
You shall never promise a cure,
as only death is certain,
and you shall understand that preserving health
is as important as treating disease.
When a patient you have been caring for dies,
you shall have the strength to allow them to die with dignity and in peace.
You shall have as a major focus in your life the promoting of a better world in which to live.
You shall strive to take a comprehensive approach to understanding all aspects of life.
To be the Healer you are meant to be
you must expand your thinking and practice from a system of episodic care
to one of a preventive approach to the problems of humanity,
including the social ills which plague the world in which you live.
You shall realize that you are not a Deity and do not have the powers of one.
You are simply a person who has accepted the rights and responsibilites of a Healer.
Remember the Mystery:
seeking and yearning will avail you not
for if that which you seek
you find not within yourself
you will never find it without.
I will be with you always.
(hug Marie then move into the Circle)
(Tressa packs items in pouch and holds the pouch out to Marie)
The tools of your trade Healer; use them with wisdom and may they bring you fulfillment
(applause for Marie then group hug)
Cakes And Ale
(Marie gives everyone a multi vitamin and or a calcium tablet and a drink of water)
May you always enjoy good health. Blessed Be.
(Pass amber glass bowl around, everyone say what they want)
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly,
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexation to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter
for always there will be
greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career
however humble;
it is a real possession in the
changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you
to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit
to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the tress and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore, be at peace with God, Goddess,
whatever you conceive Him, Her, Them to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham,
drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
Altar Ending
With honor (snuff moon phase candle)
With honor (snuff sun candle)
With harm to none
And purity of purpose (snuff white candle)
Perfect trust (snuff pink candle)
And perfect love (snuff red candle)
So mote it be
Thanking Goddess and God
(arms upraised)
Mother, Lady, Goddess
Thank you for joining us in our Ritual
Hail and farewell
(snuff silver candle)
(arms crossed over chest)
Father, Lord, God
Thank you for joining us in our Ritual
Hail and farewell
(snuff gold candle)
Dismissing Quarters
(left hand over sternum)
Our respects that which is Divine, Spirit
Our thanks for your presence
Hail and farewell
(left hand cupped)
Our respects in the West, Water
Our thanks for your presence
Hail and farewll
(left hand upraised fist)
Our respects in the South, Fire
Our thanks for your presence
Hail and farewell
(left hand fingers spread)
Our respects in the East, Air
Our thanks for your presence
Hail and farewell
(left hand parallel with ground)
Our respects in the North, Earth
Our thanks for your presence
Hail and farewell
Circle Dismantling
(with athame, widdershins - counterclockwise)
Over the Earth that supports us
Next to the Water that sustains us
With the Fire that motivates us
Through the Air that fills us
This Circle is open yet unbroken
The Circle is our Universe
The Universe our Circle
So mote it be
Merry meet, merry part, merry meet again
Blessed Be
The End
Original Nightingale Pledge http://www.accd.edu/sac/nursing/honors.html
Original Serenity Prayer
Original The Oath Of The Healer
Desiderata Copyright 1927 by Max Ehrmann, all rights reserved. Copyright renewed 1954 by Bertha Ehrmann