The End Of The Line

 This train runs every year
I've boarded at the beginning
jumped on and off from anywhere on the tracks
and caught the caboose
just as the engine came into the station

And some years
I have missed the ride completely

No matter what the speed it takes to arrive on time
there is nothing
like the sound of the horn blown
to announce the end of the line


Full Stop.

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 73 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 30 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 30 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024


 I am sick to my stomach
how can I be both
bloated and undernourished
like half a notebook
deliciously satisfied
and desperate to devour

I need ink to drink
and words for meat
but my ingredients are limited
and I've never been much of a cook

But that won't stop me
from holding a notebook
over an open flame
and stirring with my pen
in the hope that something edible
will end up on the page
calming my stomach
and healing my hunger

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 72 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 29 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 29 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024

Close The Book

 My head pounds with words
bashing against the inside of my skull
trying to find their way out
to meaning
to eternal life
and eternal rest
on the page

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 71 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 28 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 28 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024

Followed Through Life By Death

 Death is behind us
from the moment we are born
an unwanted friend
a feared companion
an inspiration
or a stagnation
We all look over our shoulders
hoping we see nothing
or at the very least
see nothing close
Never falters
never changes speed
always steady

So why is it
with my family
every April
Death learns to run

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 70 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 27 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 27 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024
Father died 13-April-1995
Grandfather died 28-April-2000
Grandmother died 13-April-2014
Mother died 9-April-2015

Set Aflame

 A candle burning
from every end
from no end
wax runs
wax congeals
wicks lit
wicks out
scent is strong
scent is black
scent is back again
Where there is burning
there is fire
set me aflame
and burn me down
so long as the smoke
is beautiful

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 69 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 26 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 26 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024

407 Stolen

 My reason may sometimes be lacking
my logic is occasionally faulty
my meaning once in a while is vague
my creativity
such as it is
empty as the moon is of atmosphere
my truth
is often ugly
and I may borrow inspiration
but what none of those things have ever been
is stolen
but always

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 68 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 25 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 25 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024

Forever Back To The Beginning

 A note
A word
A sheet
A page
A melody
A draft
A poem
A song
A show
A book
A pain
An ass

from the top

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 67 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 24 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 24 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024

Eternity In A Word

 My brain burns and braces
between caffeine and the clock
My eyes are dry from blank paper
desperate for the hydration
only water and ink can provide
and time ticks on
one letter at a time

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 66 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 23 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 23 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024

A Stitch In Ink

 I try to make a run for it
the finish line in sight
the last one
at the bottom of the page

And that's when I feel it
the cramp in my finger
the pain in my page
and my ink begins to slow
coagulating along the lines
until the words die out
with the echo of my last heartbeat

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 65 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 22 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 22 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024

A Jumble Of Words Without Definition

 The words for a hundred books
in a pile on the floor
out of order
I line them up
try to make a meaning
out of a mess
when I can't even make poetry
from a pull

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 64 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 21 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 21 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024

A Distraction Without A Difference

 What are you
but another fantasy
for frantic fingers to use
in an attempt to set fire to flesh
with nerves long burned away
by the wrong kind of heat

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 63 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 20 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 20 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024


 Of books and broken dreams
dvds and lost decades

What to do
when both your mind
and your knees
buckle under the weight of time

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 62 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 19 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 19 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024

One Last Time (After 16)


I now live in a dark mirror of us

You are the voice in shadows
the song in head
the music trapped in my soul

How do I pull the pearl that is you from my heart
so I can finally bleed out on to the page
one last time
for us

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 61 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 18 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 18 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024
Image from "Love Never Dies" (2011)
Ben Lewis as the Phantom
Image used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended

Priceless Black Pearl (16 of 16)


Her first kiss
made this broken child a man

Her second kiss
broke the man's heart

I couldn't threaten

I couldn't even adore

I could only love her
for all that she is
all that she isn't
with all that I am

And I knew the price

I let her go
but kept her kiss
a pearl tucked away in my black heart
hidden as I must now hide
so the world will never find me

Alone with only the memory
of a moment
in her love

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 60 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 16 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 16 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024
Ramin Karimloo as the Phantom, Sierra Bogess as Christine
Image used without permission, with no credit taken, with no profit made, and no offense intended

Saved Damnation (15 of 16)


I had never thought of him
anywhere else
than in my shadow
in my voice
and in the darkness down below

Who broke this child in a grown body

How can I show him
a lifetime of care
in a moment

For the first time
I see him
not a spirit
not a monster
but truly as he is
a lost boy
desperate for what he barely understands
and what he doesn't know how to give

My first kiss was full of fear and sympathy

The second was simply because I wanted to

I finally saw love in his eyes
and my soul cracked

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 59 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 16 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 16 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024
Ramin Karimloo as the Phantom, Sierra Boggess as Christine
Image used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended

To Catch The Conscience (14 of 16)


I'm trapped in his play
performing for an unaware audience

I struggle as I hear his words
so filled with desire
even as they come out of another's mouth
I feel his hands on me
heaven help me
when I sing
I sing for him

I sing to him

From a dark depth inside me
I reach for him
and discover
I have him in my arms

I lift his safe cloak of darkness
bringing him into the cruel light

There is no forgiveness
for the hell
I am about to send him to

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 58 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 15 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 15 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024
Ramin Karimloo as the Phantom, Sierra Boggess as Christine
Image used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended

The Play's The Thing (13 of 16)


Before an unknowing audience
while I am hidden in a cloak of darkness
I will profess my desire for her
in the dark ways I am terrified
and desperate 
to speak as myself

I will touch her
feel her body beneath my hands
her breath quicken
as she leans into me

She will not recoil in revulsion
she will respond in the same carnality
seducing as she is seduced

With my words in her voice
and her hands on me
the acted lie will merge with reality
creating a truth between our flesh
and on that
we can build a lifetime

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 57 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 14 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 14 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024
Ramin Karimloo as the Phantom, Sierra Boggess as Christine
Image used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended

Death And Desire (12 of 16)


Surrounded by death
as close as I can be to what's left of him
I pray and plead to a memory
a name carved in stone

He promised
he promised heaven sent
yet only
a beautiful Hades arrived

After emptying my fears upon the cold rock
I hear a warm voice
until it is all around

Has the promise finally been kept

Am I safe
held in white wings of song
or are those black feathers I see
embracing me

And why don't I want to run

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 56 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 13 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 13 of 30 CampNaNoWriMo2024
Sierra Boggess as Christine
Image used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended

A Debt In Death (11 of 16)


Forever trapped in mourning
she goes to ask questions
of one who can never answer

In an attempt to comfort as he left
he opened a door in his child's mind
that I as able to walk through

In debt to a man I can never repay
I will give her the music death didn't leave him enough time to give

I will giver her more song than she can stand

and I will protect his child

I will care for the girl she became

I will have the woman she is

And she will want for nothing
but me

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 55 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 12 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 12 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024
Ramin Karimloo as the Phantom
Image used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended

Fighting The Fall (10 of 16)


I created a voice in her
that inspired adoration

My soul
in her song

Now I hang from heaven
about to fall
as I hear her ask for
all I have been waiting to give
from another

She is my passion

I deserve hers

She will see only me

She will hear only my music

She will accept only my hand
around her heart

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 54 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 11 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 11 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024
Image from "The Phantom Of The Opera" (1923), Lon Chaney as the Phantom
Image used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended

Triumphant Locks (9 of 16)


The shadows have been silent

The mirror holds only one image now

The only dangerous desire
is in my fading dreams

A celebration
operatic in its excess
and I see him
hiding everywhere
behind everyone

Until he is
flesh and bone and blood red
with more than a song
to ensnare us all

He pulls me
and I answer
for in all the silence
I never unlocked the chains
between us

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 53 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 10 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 10 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024
Image from "The Phantom Of The Opera" (1982 musical)
Michael Crawford as the Phantom
Image used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended

Face To Face Nowhere Near (8 of 16)


I have wanted to see him
I have wanted to know him
for so long

His face was a Pandora's box
I should've left buried in his eyes

His song
once seducing
now slashed my skin
and my heart
as the vision of him
thankfully blurred
behind tears

Until he moved from
to desperate
for purchase
not to be lost

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 53 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 9 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 9 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024
Ramin Karimloo as the Phantom, Sierra Boggess as Christine
Image used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended

So Far No Matter How Close (7 of 16)


She gave me her trust
then uncovered the deception

All the beauty I wanted to show
sullied by cruel nature
and childish curiousity

My voice
no longer heaven sent
but hell spawned
lashed out all the torments of my life
onto her

Until brutal
became begging
became silence

She handed me pity

I hid behind it

She spoke not a word

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 51 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 8 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 8 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024
Ramin Karimloo as the Phantom, Sierra Boggess as Christine
Image used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended

Hidden In Song And Trust (6 of 16)


He takes my hand
touching at last

Face to face
yet he still hides

What could he fear from me

His eyes speak of
and more

I desire

His voice
a dark embrace
I return
with my trust

For what could I have to fear
from one with such a heavenly song

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 50 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 7 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 7 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024
Image from "The Phantom Of The Opera" (1990)
Charles Dance as The Phantom, Teri Polo as Christine
Image used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended

The Whole Of The Sound (5 of 16)

She trembles as she takes my hand

Connection at last

She first drew me to her 
with her voice

It is now my turn
to sing for her

To seduce her into the world we will share

She leans into me
and touches that which must remain hidden

I will take that trust
and bind her to me with it

I will take all that she has to give
and be all that she could ever want

She is the sound of my soul

I must be the whole of her heart

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 49 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 6 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 6 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024
Ramin Karimloo as the Phantom, Sierra Boggess as Christine
Image used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended

Mirror Images (4 of 16)


I sang only for him
until tonight

My voice
for the first time
was for others

They heard me
they heard him
they felt us

Hands of thunder filled the air
but could not drown out the whisper
of the one I wanted to make proud

Until attentions unwanted angered him

Not tonight
no anger tonight

Revelation of our voice
 must be followed by revelation of our souls
heaven sent
and earth bound

we are

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 48 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 5 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 5 of 50 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024
Image from "The Phantom Of The Opera" (2004)
Gerard Butler as the Phantom, Emmy Rossum as Christine
Image used without consent, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

Risk Choice (3 of 16)


I've gone as far as I can
alone in the shadows

For her hand
I must risk the cruel light

For love
she must follow me into the velvet darkness

A dream
desired and dreaded
is awakening

Will the music
fill the black holes
of this man
and be enough for her
to care not as a child 
but as a woman

She has given me her voice

The rest I will take
one soft
note at a time

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 47 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 4 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 4 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024
Image from "The Phantom Of The Opera" (1925)
Lon Chaney as the Phantom, Mary Philbin as Christine
Image used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended.

The Promise (2 of 16)


The cruelty of death took my last childhood love
and left me alone in a world with only the echo
of his music as comfort

Until he kept his word
and his promise became manifest

A voice in the dark
filled with warmth, protection, and instruction
touched me and held me
lifted me to the edge of heaven
with song

Sent with love
yet always in shadow
heart open
all else hidden

when I hear him
I shiver with something earthly
and cannot deny him
all that I am

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 46 of 100 #The100DayProject2024
Day 3 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 3 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024
Image from "The Phantom Of The Opera" (2004) Emmy Rossum as Christine
Image used without permission, with no credit taken, no profit made, and no offense intended

Become Mine (1 of 16)


I could hear you
caught between girl and woman
heart untrained
mind opened by grief to darkness

I saw you
skin as shimmering as the sound of your voice
face as flawless as any fantasy

I listened to your prayers
and out of the night I whispered
a little lie
heaven sent
(not fallen)

You embraced my shadow
until my song became yours
became ours

Now it is time
now is the hour
ours is the magic
mine is the power

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 45 of 100 #The100DayProject
Day 2 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 2 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024
Image used without consent, with no profit made, no credit taken, and no offense intended.

Two Sided Desire One End

 A harlequin of two-faced desire

one burns white
one burns black

A two headed coin
dowsed in fire

Each turns time to ash

The allure of difficulty
the allure of ease

When the flames of forever
have turned all choices to smoke
what will it matter
and who will it matter to

Tressa Lee Breen
Day 44 of 100 #The100DayProject
Day 1 of 30 NaGloPoWriMo2024
Day 1 of 30 CampNaNoWriMoApril2024