Heather's Crowning Ceremony

Heather's Crowning Ceremony Dec. 11, 2004 Dark Moon

Cedar incense
Lavender oil
Lightening water
Red candle
Moon water with lemon
Sun water with orange
Crown pendant
Music: Stillpoint by Gabrielle Roth and The Mirrors

Purification of Space

(water, around circle 3x, widdershins)

Cleanse and purify
Cleansing and purifying
Cleansed and purified

Smudge those entering with cedar incense

Casting Circle

(wand, deosil)

Over the Earth that supports us
Through the Air that fills us
With the Fire that motivates us
Next to the Water that sustains us
This Circle is made 

The Universe is our Circle
The Circle our Universe

Quarter Calls

(hand held flat, parallel with ground)

Salutations Spirits of Earth in the North
Movers of mountains through eons
You are invited to attend

(hand upraised, fingers spread)

Salutations Spirits of Air in the East
Winds that whip through time
You are invited to attend

(hand upraised in fist)

Salutations Spirits of Fire in the South
Flames that light the way through centuries
You are invited to attend

(hand cupped)

Salutations Spirits of Water in the West
Flowing through millennia
You are invited to attend

(hand over sternum)

Salutations Spirit in the Center of All
That moves through time yet is outside time
You are invited to attend

Calling Goddess and God

(arms upraised)

Hail to thee Maiden, Mother, Warrior, Crone
Awake  Awake  Awake
We light this flame
We seek your spark
Arise  Arise  Arise

(light silver candle)

(arms crossed over chest)

Hail to thee Youth, Father, Warrior, Sage
Awake  Awake  Awake
We light this flame
We seek your spark
Arise  Arise  Arise

(light gold candle)

Altar Blessing

Upon these items we ask for 
The blessings of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit 
The blessings of Lady and Lord

May what we do be in perfect love         
(light red candle)
Perfect trust                                        
(light pink candle)
And purity of purpose                       
(light white candle)
With harm to none

In honor of the moon 
In her phase                            
(light moon phase candle)

Tressa asks Heather to step forward - 
"Heather, welcome to your crowning ceremony."

Maiden (Denise) Cleansing Heather

I the Maiden greet my sister Heather with happiness and exuberance

(hug Heather)

And wish to bestow upon her a gift of Cleansing

Do you accept this gift?

(Heather answers)

(with lavender oil)

Clean always be your mind
(anoint forehead)

That your thoughts be always pure

Clean always be your lips
(anoint just above upper lip)

That your words be always true

Clean always be your heart
(anoint heart)

That your love be always clear

Clean always be your hands
(anoint each palm)

That your work be always strong

Clean always be your feet
(anoint each foot just at toes)

That your walk be always balanced

Mother (Robin) Blessing Heather

I the Mother greet my daughter Heather with joy and pride

(hug Heather)

And wish to bestow upon her a gift of Blessing

Do you accept this gift?

(Heather answers)

(with lightening water) 

Open be your mind                  
That you will know your path
Before it has been made

Clear be your eyes                   
That you will see your way
In both darkness and light

Open be your ears                    
That you will hear the truth
Inside all that is being said

Clear be your words
That you will speak with clarity
Amid all the clutter of language

Pure be your heart
That you will love with compassion
And doubtlessness

Strong by your hands
That you will act with a firm gentleness
That knows no cruelty

Balanced be your feet
That you will never falter
No matter the terrain you must walk

Warrior (Marie) Charging Sacred Items

I the Warrior greet my compatriot Heather with trust and admiration

(hug Heather)

And wish to bestow upon her a gift of Charging sacred items

Do you accept this gift?

(Heather answers)

(over closed box)

(with salt)

I charge these sacred items with Earth that they be solid foundations for Heather's magick

(with cedar incense)

I charge these sacred items with Air that they be embodiments of truth for Heather

(with red candle)

I charge these sacred items with Fire that they be flames of passion for Heather's beliefs

(with lightening water)

I charge these sacred items with Water that they be balance for Heather's soul

(with feather)

I charge these sacred items with Spirit that they be sources of creativity for Heather

(with Moon and Sun waters)

I ask for the charging of Mother Moon and Father Sun upon these sacred items that they may be symbols of the power and the wisdom of Heather's Craft

Crone (Tressa) Crowning Heather

I the Crone greet my grandchild Heather with love and contentment

(hug Heather)

(open box and remove crown)

And wish to bestow upon her a gift of this crown

Do you accept this gift?

(Heather answers)

(hold crown over Heather's head, 
Denise, Robin, Marie, stand around Heather and put one hand on crown, one hand on Heather's shoulders)

May you take responsibility and control of your gifts
never hiding from them in the darkness of fear or uncertainty
nor being blinded by them in the rays of ego or vanity

(set crown on Heather's head)

May you be Ruler of all you survey
and Servant to all you see


Cakes & Ale

(Heather serves)

Altar Ending

With honor
(snuff moon phase candle)

With harm to none
And purity of purpose
(snuff white candle)

Perfect trust
(snuff pink candle)

And perfect love
(snuff red candle)

Thanking Goddess and God

(arms upraised)

Maiden, Mother, Warrior, Crone
Our thanks to thee
For the light and life You bring
Blessed Be  Blessed Be  Blessed Be

(snuff silver candle)

(arms crossed over chest)

Youth, Father, Warrior, Sage
Our thanks to thee
For the light and life You Bring
Blessed Be  Blessed Be  Blessed Be

(snuff gold candle)

Quarter Dismissal

(hand over sternum)

Fare thee well Spirit in the Center of All
Take our thanks for your attendance into that time out of time

(hand cupped)

Fare thee well Spirits of Water in the West
Take our thanks for you attendance where you flow

(hand upraised in fist)

Fare thee well Spirits of Fire in the South
Take our thanks for your attendance into the flames

(hand upraised, fingers spread)

Fare thee well Spirits of Air in the East
Take our thanks for your attendance when you whip the winds
(hand held flat, parallel with ground)

Fare thee well Spirits of Earth in the North
Take our thanks for your attendance when you move the mountains

Circle Dismantling

(athame, widdershins)

Over the Earth that supports us
Next to the Water that sustains us
With the Fire that motivates us
Through the Air that fills us
This Circle is open yet unbroken

The Circle is our Universe
The Universe our Circle


(Heather keeps box, crown, pendant, lightening water)

The Lake Of Employment

The Lake Of Employment

Machine-like efficiency rusting from waves of discourtesy
I grow heavier the weight of workers's politics crashes over my head
relentless in their sodden idiosyncrasies

The desire for excellence
choking on the dirty water of someone else's mistake
Striving to please
drowns in soaked HR paperwork
The undertow of cubeville's complaining whitecaps
grasps me by the fear of unemployment
and pulls me under

May 7, 2004
Tressa Lee Breen

Craft Therapy

Craft Therapy

In the silken darkness of the new moon's night
there is a shadow that burns with obsidian fire
A light that casts its darkness
and illuminates all that is behind the sun

I can feel its velvet warmth caress me
and melt into the deep recesses of my soul
touching that which is hidden and ignored within me
incinerating my walls and coaxing all my faces to the surface
bringing everything into acknowledgment

I stand naked with my selves bared
no concealment afforded in this blinding brightlessness
I must make love with the demons as well as the angels that I am
to absorb my parts and make a whole

So the fire dance begins as I honor my countenances
embracing each as they inspire
in love, tears, anger, hate, violent or peace
but all in acceptance
till this orgy of becoming is but dying embers
and I stand alone in the ashes
renewed and complete

May 3, 2004
Tressa Lee Breen

Undressing My Life

Undressing My Life

Shoes of propriety
the soles of society's vision
of what we are to be
we wear as our foundation

The animal lace lays against our root
flush to our most primal selves
capturing and holding our basic needs
in check

We pull color over our mobility
matching that which we are told
is perfection over the skin
and hose ourselves down
in prepared fashion

A bit of given style covers us
the image of culture's desire
as we button up our dreams
belt up our minds
zip up our goals
under the accepted individuality
of conformity

What if my foundation expands
and these soles become too small
Can I kick off my tight shoes
and feel the earth beneath

What if the style of my desire
demands a freer image
Can I pop the buttons at the beginnings of my dreams
unbuckle the confines of my brain
and rip into my goals

And this shade over my flesh must go
if I am to run without control

My needs go basic and beyond
and I will not be held
My root self will see the sun
and I will live unchecked

April 15, 2004  
Tressa Lee Breen