Old Friends

 Thanks to the love of Lucy
old friends from the future time travel to me
and we warp to planets
visited and loved and disliked
over many journeys

Back on the bridge of stars
with the Captain of my childhood heart
the outsider who found his family among a Federation
the one who's nothing but a Doctor down to his bones
the heart of the ship who likes his drink
the fair maiden who's neither and both
"don't call me 'tiny'" with his love of torpedoes, roses, and rapiers
and the youth from the land of cold and war.

A crew whose five years were cancelled at three
and yet have stretched toward eternity

Always there
I can visit whenever
and meld with minds
most long dead
always finding laugher and sadness
and the occasional forgotten lesson
they strived so hard to create
among their imperfections

Our infinite diversities in their infinite combinations
still struggle between science and fiction
trying hard to reach the goal so crudely shown to us
longevity and prosperity

Well, at least I can touch that peace an hour at a time
in the company of old friends

July 3, 2022
Tressa Lee Breen

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